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Above all, successful social media marketing means "keeping it social." Of course, we all want to make money, and you will!
But the strong trend is toward inbound not outbound marketing. A good tip is to interact with your viewers as though you aren’t marketing at all. Be casual, be congenial, be friendly.
A rule of thumb is to make 75% of your content social and 25% marketing. If you’re a natural -born salesperson, you might object to that idea. But the 75% will pay off for you. People buy from those they "know, like, and trust." That's a well-known, proven copywriting maxim. For good reason, too...
Whom do you like to associate with? Probably people you like. Whom do you like to buy from? People you trust. What do you like to buy? Something you feel you know enough about so that you feel you're not being scammed. Is that true? It's true for everyone. The way to accomplish this is to let people know, like, and trust you through the 75% non-marketing content.
Furthermore, this works a lot better if it's genuine. People can tell if you're trying to scam them, and they’re very quick to opt out. On the other hand, people can be fiercely loyal once they know, like, and trust you and believe you care about their interests.
So, it’s content plus connection: Give people something of value (whether it's a free or paid product) and connect with them so they can get to know and like you. I hope that makes sense to you because it's the best formula around.