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After this process, if you are still unable to identify your differentiation point and if you feel that the niche you wish to conquer is already over-saturated then maybe what you might want to consider is to think deeper and create a 'blue-ocean'!
A blue ocean is an industry that is not in existence today, where the market space is completely new and untainted by competition. For example, the popular Nintendo Wii is a blue ocean.
The video gaming market is a multi-dollar business and Nintendo has taken the attention of a huge audience with its new innovation with the motion sensor. The motion sensor detects the movement of the player and signals it to the video game. This includes all body movements such as jumping, punching, swinging, kicking and more! With this new feature, Nintendo Wii has opened up the video industry to a completely new public of non-gamers.
So the same goes with your personal branding. You could come up with an out-of-the-box idea and open up a new market space. That way, not only will you be the first to dominate your new market, you'll be sailing on it calmly.
Remember the real power of Brand Dynamics lies in the essence of “YOU”. Your voice is unique. Your fingerprints are unique. Your thoughts are unique and the person, YOU are most definitely unique.