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"What do we think of when we think of education? The schools. Why don't we instruct parents scientifically about how to educate their children? The earlier we start stimulating the brain the better. Why don't we motivate and instruct parents, grandparentsand others around the child? Can we conceive of any programme more important."
Dr Luis Machado, Minister for the Development of Human Intelligence in Venezuala
2 Sensory Pathways
To create the learning pathways vital to your child’s future, he/she will need a rich diet of sensory experiences.
It is through these sensory experiences only you can provide that brain growth is stimulated and nuerons (brain cells) establish more links with each other.
The alternative is that many cells die because they do not receive the stimulus for growth.
There exist windows of opportunity when your child is ready to develop in specific areas. It is at these crucial times that sensory stimulation provided by the experiences you give will have the greatest impact on his/her development. The windows of opportunity for sight and motor skills close early in life.They are opportunities that should not be missed because they will not come again.
Don't panic!
Being a parent can seem a daunting proposition especially when 'well-meaning' friends and family tell you "it doesn't get any easier." A lot of what you do instinctively will help your baby grow and develop and our children still develop regardless of our input, be it negative or positive. Obviously we would want our influence to be a positive one.
Most of us when given a baby to hold for the first time will 'rock' back and fro. This instinctive act on our part actually helps the baby's brain grow. It stimulates what is known as the vestibular system.
Give your baby regular periodic vestibular stimulation like rocking and he/she will g ain weight faster, develop vision and hearing earlier and develop distinct sleep cycles at a younger age.
Would you like me to repeat that last sentence!
When you consider we only use about 4% of our brains the more we can help our children atthis crucial period the greater the future implications for learning and life.
Hearing Alert!
If your child appears unable to hear you properly it is probable he/she will develop speech problems. If the problem is not identified early on it is likely he/she will not be able to speak properly. This needn't happen if he/she receives regular hearing tests.
One of the most common conditions is known as 'glue ear' and if it is not treated can lead to a dramatic loss of hearing with accompanying learning difficulties. If a child can speak fluently they will eventually write fluently. The ability to speak fluently is therefore one of the most important gifts you can give to a child. If you spoke three languages in your house your infant would learn to speak them all. How long would it take us?