Announcing The Brand New, 10 Part, Step By Step Video Course That Shows You…
"Finally, Discover How to Fight Bounce Rates and Increase How Long Someone Stays On Your Website …The Right Way - Starting today!"
In this step-by-step video course you will get to watch over my shoulder as I show you three things that can spike your bounce rate, which has a direct impact on your
sales and conversions.
Dear Webmaster,
Have you ever wondered whether there’s a way to know how well your site is performing? What metrics could help give you an overall view of it all?
While this is not the 100% defining factor, bounce rates are an important thing to look into.
According to Google.com, "Bounce Rate is the percentage of single-page visits (i.e. visits in which the person left your site from the entrance page without interacting with the page)."
Of course while there's no definitive answer from Google on whether or not they use this as a factor for ranking, the fact is that they expand in detail on how to improve it and even include a video lecture on it. This gives us our answer as to how important this is to them.
As you may know, an increase in Bounce Rates is often a determining factor in how your site performs in relation to human traffic.
Google even goes on to say that High Bounce Rate is often triggered due to one page sites. And if you’ve followed Matt Cutt’s advice on one page sites, you know they are not fond of “niche” sites or small sites. They see authority sites or large well-structured sites as high quality sites.