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Chapter 4: Simplifying Your Life
Life in today’s society is very fast paced and it is rare that a working individual has the time to sit back and enjoy some peace and quiet. Everywhere you go there are car horns blaring and airplanes flying overhead. It seems like there is twenty-seven hours worth of work to do each day even though there is only twenty-four hours in a day.
People are constantly multi-tasking, even when they do not realize they are doing so. Cramming your brain with too much stimulation can be very bad for your emotional health. Your mind needs time to rest and to take in all of the information that it receives on a daily process. If you think about everything that happens in a twenty-four hour period, that is quite a large amount of information to process.
You can make this process much easier on your mind if you learn how to do one simple thing. You need to learn how to simplify your life. The following chapter will shed some light on the importance of simplifying your life and will also provide you with some helpful tips that should help you have a good start.
Keep it Simple
As mentioned before, overloading your mind with too much stimulation at once can have negative effects on your emotional health. This is especially true when it comes to irritability and anger. If you want to learn how to control your anger as well as your other emotions, you are going to have to learn how to make things easier on yourself and how to slow things down a bit.
The following are some tips that should help you to simplify things in your life a little bit and begin getting a hold back on your anger.
People have a false sense of truth when they feel like material objects are the only thing that can bring them happiness in life. You can ask many people who keep their possessions to the bare minimum needed for survival if they are content with life or feel angry on a regular basis and they will surely tell you that they are not. In fact, these people will often be much happier than other people. The reason for this is the fact that they do not have as much to worry about. In order to get material items you have to have money. If you do not worry about unneeded possessions you can save a great deal of money and avoid a whole lot of stress in your life.
You need to avoid having cluttered spaces both around your home and your working area. We as humans like to be in clean environments. We become stressed when we are in cluttered spaces and this stress eventually will turn into anger. Find a way to keep your things organized and keep living and working areas neat and you will be surprised by how quickly you start to feel less angry.
Social Get Togethers and Work Meetings
Avoid over-booking your day and do the best you can to make sure that you always leave yourself plenty of time for relaxation. People tend to schedule far too many activities in for one day and constantly find themselves rushing around like a crazy person trying to get things done. This can cause you to become angry for a couple of reasons. The first would be of course all of the stimulation that your brain will have to process in just a short amount of time. Then second reason would be the fact that they would likely spend the whole day being nervous about if they will be on time to each meeting. This anxiousness will surely turn into anger if it goes on for long enough.
Goal Setting
When you set goal for yourself it is important that you make them realistic. There is nothing wrong with setting small goals. Setting large goals and struggling to achieve them or failing at them will surely set you up for emotional failure.
You Speech
It may sound silly but it can be very helpful when it comes to managing anger if you minimize your speech. Choosing not to gossip gives you more time to process your own thoughts in your mind and keeps you from becoming over-loaded with other people’s problems or situations.
Multi-tasking is very exhausting on our minds after doing it for long periods of time. There have been scientific studies that have been conducted that state that a human’s mind is designed to only be able to process one task at a time. Therefore, when you multi-task you are over working your brain and this is bad for your emotional health. You will notice that people who are over worked always seem to be angry or irritated. This is because their mind is being deprived of the rest it needs in order to be able to function properly.
All in all, you basically just need to find ways to make your day easier. Get rid of your unneeded possessions and learn how to slow down and appreciate the small things in life. Some of the most beautiful things like a sunset are free, but you will never see one if you are too busy over working yourself.
Chapter 5: Using Meditation
Meditation can be beneficial in many different ways and controlling your emotions is no exception, especially when it comes to anger. People have been using meditation for centuries. This is probably due to the fact that if done properly, meditation can be very effective.
Meditation offers you a way to connect with you inner-self. This is very important for discovering who you are and why your emotions are the way they are. Sometimes your real troubles in life come from within. Meditation can be a great way of not only discovering these issues but also addressing them as well.
The following chapter will go over how meditation can help you to control your emotions and will also provide you with some simple steps that will help you to meditate properly.