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Chapter 5: Injury Prevention
Jumping into any physical exercise routine without the proper warm up phase would only put the individual into the path of possible injury. Therefore it is very important to have some sort of warm up routine or have some precautions taken to ensure a injury free exercise routine.
Staying Safe
The following are some of the recommendations that can be effectively used to avoid possible injury:
Having a routine physical fitness test would be a good idea, as the individual will be able to gauge from a professional view his or her current capabilities levels and then design the workouts accordingly.
Gradually increasing the intensity and time spent on each workout session would be better than just using a uniform guideline provided for as a whole. With the gradual additions the individual is able to better avoid injuries as the body will be slowly introduced to the changes rather than being “shocked” into compliance.
Having the advice of a personal trainer at hand is also something to consider if the individual is not really savvy with the various workout equipment and routines. A personal trainer will be able to provide the assistance that will help the individual make better and safer choices.
Warm up exercises can never be underestimated for it value. This phase will condition the body to be ready for the impending exercise routine, and this is especially important if the routine involves vigorous movements.
For some people starting a workout session on an empty stomach is something that they have grown used to over time, but for the less experienced exercise buff, having a light nutritious meal would be recommended. This food intake will help to keep the mind alert thus avoid possible injuries from occurring.