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Studies in Psychology tell us that the effect you have on others depends on what you say from the mouth (7%), the manner in which you say it (38%), and by your body language (55%). In addition, how you sound also imparts a message, so 93% of emotion is also conveyed without saying the actual words.
This is also true in selling. In the real world, we sell tangible items and also ideas. A concise way on how we can sell effectively is by simply using that old but very powerful arsenal known as body language.
When you sell, you can use postures, facial expressions, gestures, mannerisms, and your physical appearance to close the sale successfully. Most customers tend to buy when triggered by their senses. The key here is to do everything you can to positively affect their senses.
Most people believed the image projected by Saint Mother Theresa is a positive image. She used her personality to convey a constant image of holiness and sincerity. We bought the idea of her image.
Non-verbal communication also connotes that a man of few words is a man of credibility. It's often not what you say that influences others; it's what you don't say. The signals that you impart using body movements suggest comprehension, disposition, morality, and compassion.
In selling, the instant you meet a target client, he is already examining you based on your image and perception in a span of ten seconds or less. This is a crucial moment in selling, as his first impression of you will definitely make a permanent mark.