Ebook Sample Content Preview:
How To Make Enough Money Every Month
So You Can Finally Quit Your Day Job
Let’s get something straight right from the start…
It’s not about making money. It’s about making money over an extended period of time.
Think about it… which would you rather achieve?
Option #1
Having invested a good deal of time and energy, you generate a fistful of cash in random chunks that could disappear at any time.
Option #2
Having invested a good deal of time and energy, you generate a substantial amount of cash that continues to flow on a regular basis for years to come.
Granted, anyone in their right mind would choose an imaginary third option. That is, to have a big wag of cash simply drop into their lap. You know, win the lottery, inherit a family fortune, that sort of thing.
It’s the kind of financial windfall event that gives you the opportunity to bypass any form of time and energy investment and fall directly into the lifestyle of the filthy-rich.
But since we’re talking about the real world here - and have to assume the average person is never going to experience some Hollywood rags-to-riches wealth benefit - there are only two other viable possibilities… Option #1 or Option #2.
So which one would you choose?
The first option has the capability of generating a lot of money. It’s not guaranteed, mind you. But it does allow for a sizeable chunk of cash to manifest itself in the shortest period of time.
What you do is create a vast number of websites that are based on specific niche markets (for example, pets, health, fitness, finance, sports, real estate, gaming).
You generate a list of keywords that are related to whatever topic (or topics) you’ve chosen, terms that are actively and generously searched for each month.
Then, you use a software program to mass-create web pages for each of those keywords. And within the pages, you include one or more blocks of Google Adsense ads (http://www.google.com/adsense/).
The more keywords, the more pages, the more activity you’ll gain from search engine traffic. The more traffic you gain, the more people will click on the Adsense ads.
And of course, the more clicks you receive, the more money you’ll make.
At least, that’s the overall plan. And since the ultimate goal is to generate as much money as possible, as quickly as possible, you work entirely on a quantity level.
In other words, page volume is your key to financial success.
As long as all those pages are optimized for individual keywords - and they carry a certain amount of keyword-related content - you’ve got a fairly good shot at getting them indexed in the search engines. If that’s the case, gaining a considerable amount of traffic through those search engines won’t be difficult.
So let’s assume you put up twenty topic-oriented websites, each of them loaded with hundreds (if not thousands) of keyword pages. Let’s also assume that these websites collectively result in a very high number of clicks on Adsense ads.
In no time at all, you would have reached a substantial monthly income. Which is exactly what you had in mind, the reason why you invested all that time and energy researching topics, evaluating competition, collecting keywords, and creating and publishing all those web pages.
The only problem is, even if you do manage to hit some high-dollar figure, that same income could be wiped out with no warning whatsoever.
Basically, you could check your Adsense statistics one month and see a whopping five figures. The next month, maybe half or even a third of that amount. And the following month? Nothing, nada, zip, zilch… zero income.
All those keyword pages you used in order to get tons of traffic from search engines? They’ve been de-indexed. Which means any and all of your money-making potential that was associated with them has completely disappeared.
So what do you do next? You start over from scratch. You research additional topics, check out the level of competition, generate more keyword lists, and work at getting a whole bunch more pages listed in the search engines.
Of course, if you’re serious about this type of system, you won’t wait until it’s too late. You’ll create niche websites on a continuous basis, one right after the other. That way, if one or more of the previous sites fail, new ones will be there to take up the slack.
And that’s pretty much what you’ll have to do in order to keep this particular option going strong. But you also need to prevent the search engines from de-indexing your pages. Or worse, banning your sites altogether.
In order to do that, you would need to concentrate on making certain those pages carry a considerable amount of quality content, the kind search engine spiders are hungry for.
Basically, you would need to treat your Adsense pages the same way you would treat any other website page. Rather than merely create and publish sheer volume, you would have to seriously think about how to keep all those pages listed in the search engines.
For the most part, that would involve regular and ongoing upkeep. In other words, it would be necessary to increase and develop them just like you would any other “content” website.
And therein lies the primary drawback of this particular option…
You invest a lot of time and effort, hoping you can get a large volume of niche-oriented, keyword-based pages listed in the search engines. In doing so, you’re banking on the fact that countless people will visit your pages and then click on your Adsense ads.
Problem is, there’s no guarantee. Not about getting listed in search engines and not about the amount of Adsense revenue you’ll generate. So you invest all that time and energy on a “what if” scenario.
Which brings us to Option #2.
Instead of just creating and distributing thousands of pages that have no benefit other than to generate cash…
Instead of investing a great deal of time and energy creating bare-bones pages that might or might not give you the results you’re hoping for…
• What if you invested all that time and energy into building something that would endure way beyond the first few months.
• What if you created a foundation that would not only generate income but would cause the amount to steadily and consistently increase over time.
And what if the vehicle you chose to accomplish that was so powerful and so far-reaching that your ability to succeed was virtually guaranteed.
Well, that’s exactly what a good quality blog has to offer.
Of course the operative word here is quality. Without that, a blog can crash and burn just as easily as all those minimal keyword pages.
To experience blog success, the formula is relatively simple…
You choose a niche that is popular and has a large targeted audience. If it happens to be something you’re personally passionate about (or already possess a good deal of knowledge about), all the better.
But that’s not absolutely necessary. If you find a good niche market, you can always educate yourself. In fact, the background research you conduct might make the topic all the more interesting. After all, you never know what type of information you’ll uncover.
Once you’ve established your niche market, you develop a blog that is totally and completely centered around that area of interest. Whether you write something off the top of your head, recap a timely news story, or post information that you’ve uncovered during research, the end result will always be the same…