Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Introduction And What You Will Learn
Making a living as a blogger has to be one of the sweetest gigs out there. As a blogger, you’ll be able to earn passive income which means that your money will flow in even as you’re sleeping, travelling or relaxing with friends. You’re no long trading time for income and this is the point you need to get to if you want to really be free and financially independent (even being self-employed with clients is still pretty much like having a job). What’s more, blogging means you get to earn that money by writing on a topic that you find fascinating and you even get to become something of a minor celebrity in your chosen niche. You can earn a lot of money here too – if a blog takes off and becomes really successful then in theory you can earn thousands a day. It’s incredibly scalable and there’s no ‘upper limit’ for what you can achieve.
What’s the downside? It’s not easy. This is all about working hard and smart now so that you can reap the benefits later. Too many people approach blogging in the wrong way, thinking that they can just write a few posts on a semi-regular basis and that that will be enough to ensure their success. In reality, you need to approach blogging as a full-time job if you ever want it to be your main source of income. In other words, if you want this to be your full-time job… you better treat it like one.
That means working hard and to begin with you want to be uploading as much content as possible, having invested a decent amount of time and/or money in creating a beautiful design to begin with. At the same time though, it also means being smart about how you’re going to build your blog and it means using growth hacks so that you get much more benefit out of the work you’re putting in. Get this right and you can apply force multipliers that will take years off of the time it takes for you to reach number one.
Think that it can’t be done? Think that making money from a blog is a oneoff fluke that happens once in a blue moon? Think again! The stats really paint a different picture and show blogging to be a highly profitable use of your time.
Blogging Statistics And Why You Should Care
• Marketers who rely on their blogs make 13X more money than those
that don’t.
• Companies with blogs receive 97% more links inbound to their website
• Blogs are the 5th most trusted source of accurate information online!
• 81% of consumers trust information they get from blogs
• Well over 150 million people in the US alone read blogs regularly
• 23% of internet time is spent on blogs
• 61% of US customers have made purchases through blogs
• It is generally thought that content marketing – AKA blogging – is now more powerful than pure SEO As you can see then, blogging is very much a force to be reckoned with and there’s more than enough here to go around. Time to get a piece of the pie!
What You Will Learn
If you’re still reading then you’re probably rather excited at the prospect of becoming a ‘career blogger’ and you probably can’t wait to get started and to begin earning money from e-book sales. Fortunately, you happen to be in the right place and this book will serve as your blueprint to ensure that all your work is focused on the right things.
Specifically, by the end of this text, you will have learned…
• How to choose a niche to work in
• How to create a stunning website
• How to work with outsourcers
• How to add advanced features
• How to create content that people will want to read
• How to ensure a steady stream of new posts
• How to hack growth with influencer marketing and other techniques
• How to keep the discipline to keep writing
• How to monetize your site so that you earn the maximum amount from each visitor
• How to use the best tools for bloggers and webmasters
• And much more!
So you have the information laid out for you… there’s nothing left to do but start reading it and then begin your journey to Instant Blog Profits!
Chapter 1: Selecting Your Niche
For those not down with the lingo yet, a ‘niche’ basically means a subject or a topic. This is the area of interest that your website is going to focus on and it’s what you’ll be writing about on a daily basis for your blog posts. This might sound like an easy job – but picking your niche is actually something you should consider very carefully. Getting this right can make your life a lot easier, while choosing poorly can make it almost impossible to achieve the success you’re looking for. Here we will look at some considerations that you need to bear in mind when picking your niche.
A Topic You Enjoy
Tip number one is to always choose a niche that you enjoy reading and writing about. Blogging is not a ‘small’ job by any stretch of the imagination. Remember when we said it would essentially need to become your full-time career if you wanted to be very successful? Well then you have to ask yourself – is this something you will be happy to write about on a regular basis?
Writing will also come a lot easier if you’re well-versed in the subject. You’ll need to do less research and at the same time, you’ll find it much easier to come up with new interesting topics that people who like the subject will be interested in. What’s more, your passion will come across in the content and people will be much more inclined to read more of what you have to say as a result.
Even if you plan on outsourcing your writing, knowing the niche you choose well will help you to feel excited about your site and to check over the accuracy and usefulness of the writing you’re receiving. Ultimately, choosing a niche just because some ‘guru’ says it’s a profitable one is a fast track to becoming bored and disillusioned and ultimately giving up.
When picking your niche, you need to think about the competition out there and how easy it is going to be to stand out. Of course you want a subject that has a large potential audience, so why not pick something big like ‘fitness’ or ‘cars’?
Well, that’s a good idea on the face of it until you think about how many other bloggers are writing in those niches. Bodybuilding.com is one of the largest sites on the net and it generates a huge turnover – most of which is invested back into the site to ensure a steady flow of new topics. Question is: can you compete with that? Are you going to be able to compete with any of those sites to get to page one? On the other hand, if you choose to blog about rearing stick insects, you’ll likely find that there’s a much smaller audience – but also far less competition.