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Chapter 4: Additional Tips For Making Money On Your Blog
If you are planning to advertise on your blog, you probably already heard about Adsense. Itrs the biggest online market for internet bloggers. Most individuals who advertise on a blog do very well.
More Tips To Be Successful
If you are planning to advertise on your blog, you probably already heard about Adsense. It's the biggest online market for internet bloggers. Most individuals who advertise on a blog do very well. How come? Most of the times the blogger did his research. If you would like to maximize your chances of advertising, these eight tips below will help you.
1. Make sure your blog is generating traffic
This is the most crucial factor. If you want to advertise on a blog with success your blog has to have huge traffic, listing it before monetizing that traffic would be a bad decision. You would be able to advertise it, but the money you'd get might be far below the real measure of the site.
2. Work on your trust rating
Each member on the internet has a trust rating, and most advertisers will check it before placing their bids. In other words, the higher your trust rating, the higher the chances of advertising on your blog. As a result you should take all the actions that will improve your trust rating (e.g., connect your Flippa account with Facebook and Linkedln, verify your telephone number and so on).
3. Don’t hype your description
The more hype you put in your description, the more people will think you're desperate to advertise and that your blog isn't a solid one. Examples of remarks you should avoid include: “Huge potential!”, “A lifetime opportunity!”, “My loss is your gain!’’Secondly, don’t hypothesize what the blog could be earning. Some people list blogs that are making $10 per month currently, and they go on saying: “This blog has the potential to make $4,000 per month easily!” If you knew this for certain you would not be selling the advertising space for such a low price....
4. Answer to every comment
Even if you write a crystal clear description people will still have questions, and they will ask them through the comment section. It's important to answer to every single comment, as this won't only encourage these commenters to want to advertise on your blog, but it will also improve the overall credibility.
5. Have a plausible reason for advertising
One of the first things people will ask you is why you are advertising? If there is no plausible reason, they will rightly assume that the blog is going downhill, and that you want to get rid of it before it becomes worthless. In fact it would be a good idea to include the reason for advertising. You definitely need to find one that fits with your blog, and doesn’t annoy your readers with ads that have nothing to do with you blog.
Chapter 5: Does Writing About What You Love Make Money?
That's the most common cliche amongst bloggers, online experts and internet entrepreneurs. I'm sure you heard it before. I utilized this advice myself. It goes like this: If you want to make money online, you got pick a topic that you're passionate about. You need to enjoy it, else it won't work.
Writing About What You Love?
That's the most common cliche amongst bloggers, online experts and internet entrepreneurs. I'm sure you heard it before. I utilized this advice myself. It goes like this: If you want to make money online, you got pick a topic that you're passionate about. You need to enjoy it, else it won't work.
I used to agree with it, one hundred percent. Lately, however, I started calling into question that rule. Creating a site on a topic that you love is certainly a great technique, and it does work well for many individuals, but I'm not sure if it's the only way to go. The first flaw I see on that rule is the following fact: if the niche or topic you love isn't a profitable one, it will be pretty hard to make a lot of money online with it no matter what you do.
Suppose you love tea. Should you write about it if you want to make money online? I am not sure. You could certainly create a popular website around tea, but if you decided to go with a more profitable niche instead, while putting the same effort and time, you could end up making much more income.
One argument that people use to back up the “you got write about what you love” theory is the fact that if you choose a topic merely because it is profitable, soon you will lose the motivation. If you write about something you love, on the other hand, you will have content for years to come. This is partially true, but not completely, because some people get motivated by the pure desire of making money or becoming successful.
In other words, if they start a website on a profitable niche and see that their efforts is bringing a good amount of money, they will get motivated no matter what the topic is. They will even do research and learn about it if needed. So what is my position now? I think that both strategies can work.
Choosing a niche or topic because you love it is a good route to success, but choosing a profitable one and approaching it scientifically can be equally successful. “You need to try my assistant in Bharat who can do that for you for $3/hour and this new free plugin for your wordpress blog.” When you need a little bracer Google the word of the area you need help in and add either “help” or “community” to it.
Seek a community, forum or blog online you are able to hang out in for a while. You'll come off feeling refreshed and possibly even with some great new tips from individuals who are out there suffering the same troubles as you and turning them into successes.