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It certainly seems like I have covered a lot of useless information, but you’re going to see that later in this book I’ll show you exactly how all of this pertains to you as the blogger and internet marketing strategist.
I needed you to understand the fundamental concepts and perspectives of each type of blog so you’ll know how to use each one and know where I’m coming from when I talk about it later.
You should have an understanding of how blogs are updated; whether it’s from a keyboard from your laptop or desktop which is the usual method or by some mobile device which is becoming the new trend.
You should also know that blogs can be updated by not just text, but also by pictures with or without commentary, videos, and other types of media that can be available. You can see this in Tumblr and Facebook with their blogging interfaces.
A place like Tumblr is specifically designed to be a microblogging platform with a mobile interface. By linking a Tumblr account with a singular mobile device, you can easily provide updates. While this is an effective blogging method, this is to be used as an advanced technique for traffic and exposure, to be talked about later in this book.