Ebook Sample Content Preview:
If you can help it, don’t limit your income sources to the internet. Even though there are millions of blogs online there are still millions of people who do not have blogs, or any type of internet presence. Many of these people would appreciate and benefit from sponsoring your site. Quite a few local companies would be willing to pay a tidy sum to have their business mentioned, or featured, on a page within your blog.
I run a small blog devoted to tattoos and body arts. Many small tattoo shops and artists who can not afford, or don’t want to manage, their own web presence have paid to have their companies advertised on my tattoo blog. These advertisements are usually in the form of a page within my blog that describes the company in detail and includes contact information (address, phone number, ect.).
A friend of mine who’s all into wines and grapes and all that stuff runs a blog dedicated to wine making and hosting wine parties and he has been able to get several individuals who also host, and throw, wine tasting parties to advertise on his blog. These people are not interested in maintaining a permanent web presence and are content to piggy back on his blog. Each time they host an event they contact him and ask hime to blog about the event and they also have an entire page on his site dedicated to providing the contact information for those that are selling wine making books or materials and who host parties. He get paid every time he writes about an event or wine tasting course… It takes him, let’s say, maybe 15 minutes to pull together a 500 word post or so with a few nice pictures and they often pay him several hundred Euros for one article…
Opportunities like this are usually available in your area, it is just a matter of looking for, and making, the right connections. Things are easier if you have a niche site and steady traffic that can benefit a business owner. These sponsors can often be found by word of mouth or through placing ads in your local newspaper. Some of my best sponsors have been found through ads in the newspaper and even through direct advertising campaigns.
My campaigns are pretty small and are focused on those businesses I know do not have a web site and who would benefit from my traffic. Sending out a simple flyer with information about my site, traffic stats, prices, and how they would benefit by advertising online often has good results. Not only was I able to earn income from companies willing to advertise, or at least exchange links, with me but every now and then I was able to generate a local media buzz for my blog.
Being able to show other advertisers that your blog has attracted local press and interest can increase your ways to earn revenue. If you are having advertisers pay you directly to advertise on your blog site showing a review will help to justify your fees. It will also help prove your credibility to clients if you are selling a product or service of any kind.