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It stands to reason that anyone who is considering buying your blog when you flip it is going to be interested in the bottom line, exactly how much money they can earn from your site after they buy it.
However, it is also important to appreciate that most site and blog buyers are interested in regular recurring income, rather than single one-off payments. This in fact is the reason why you do not focus on Clickbank and eBay products when creating your blog because whilst selling products or promoting eBay definitely puts more money in your bank, it is not regular.
On the other hand, AdSense is highly predictable, which is extremely attractive for the buyer.
To have a blog that is likely to attract potential purchaser, you have to have a steady track record of earnings over a period of several weeks. Reasonably stable income earnings over a month or two is a minimum requirement for being able to flip your blog.
Fortunately however, I am not talking about a blog that earns $100 a day.
In fact, if you ensure that your blog has earned even just one dollar a day from Adsense on a consistent basis, you have a saleable asset. As long as the income is consistent, it is clear that your marketing materials are doing their job by sending targeted traffic to your site.
The day after you sell the blog, these promotional materials are not all of a sudden going to stop sending targeted traffic, meaning that the new blog owner will continue to enjoy the same level of income after they buy.
So, let's imagine that you have a record of one month of earning a least $2 a day from Adsense, plus you're making a few extra dollars from eBay every month (and can prove that you do so regularly) and pull in a little extra from Clickbank sales every so often as well.
Based on your Adsense earnings alone, you could realistically expect to flip your blog for somewhere around 10 times the monthly income of your site, but you might be able to push this a little further because of the additional income that you can prove.
Hence, a blog that is earning just two dollars a day is going to be worth around $600 or a little more, depending on how well you can sell the idea of the additional income from eBay and Clickbank.
From this it follows that if you hang onto your blog until it is earning a regular $5 a day, you have a $1500 asset on your hands and every time you can increase your AdSense earnings, the value of your blog increases.