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A well run business is one that is streamlined and developed to take care of your major business challenges. All businesses at some point, have a challenge. Your business may be too big to be run alone anymore, or you may need to use new software to keep it running smoothly.
Let's look at a business model that is not systemized first.
As the business owner you are feeling frustrated and overwhelmed. You are working crazy hours and still don't manage to get everything done. You hire people to help you but don’t have time to properly train them. This results in more mistakes and errors that you now have to fix.
Next let's look at what systemizing your business means.
Systemizing your business entails you looking at what systems you currently use, what works and what needs to be improved upon. Then you have to create systems that work so that they all fit together to form one larger system.
The end result is that you have one main business system that has smaller systems which feed into it. While each component can work independently they all rely on each other in order for your business to work and function smoothly.
Now, let’s identify your challenges.
Your challenge areas are simply those that require the most time and effort from you. The ones that you may often consider to be a real pain! Or those things that give you sleepless nights. Identify these areas and make a list of them. Then start creating and using systems to improve them.
Here's a smoothly run and systemized business.
Training manuals in place for each task.
Automated tools used as much as possible.
Customers who know where to go for support and help.
Employees who understand what their job function is and how to do it.
A company that is open to ideas and suggestions.
This can all be accomplished by carefully taking the time to plan out and recognize all of your tasks. The best way to accomplish this is to keep track of every detail of your business. This includes noting down what your daily, weekly, bi-weekly, monthly and yearly tasks are. Then working on implementing systems so no area is left out.
By doing this you will find that your biggest challenges and frustrations are now more streamlined. You have more time and effort to run your business as a business owner, and not as an overworked employee!
Documenting your procedures is one of the best ways to systemize your business. These documents should be as detailed as possible, with no step left out. Over time they will be fine tuned and updated as your systems change and evolve.
Having operating or training manuals in place can help the process of training any new employee much easier. It can also help keep employees happy so that they stay with you longer. They know exactly what to do and what is expected of them.
Even a small business, or a one person business should have manuals and procedures in place. Have you ever thought of what you would do if you couldn't run your business for six weeks or more?
Training manuals allow you to handover your business operations at a moment's notice with fewer complications.
Depending upon your systems and procedures you may find that it can be helpful to create training videos. This is sometimes much faster than writing out long winded instructions.
The advantage of video training is the person can stop and restart the video as necessary. Videos are a great tool to use if you use a virtual assistant in your business.
Another great way to systemize your business is by delegating tasks. Yes, we know this can be hard for some people, but if you want your business to grow you have to let some things go. Learn to hand things over to someone else.
Once you have systems in place you must still remember to monitor them. They will need tweaking and updating regularly. Any time you make a change to one of your systems, remember to update the training manuals accordingly.
Things to monitor include seeing if the tasks are being completed correctly. If you have to constantly fix mistakes,
something in your manual is wrong. This could be the user misunderstanding your instructions, or that the instructions themselves were confusing.
You should also be open and encourage any team members to offer suggestions to help improve your processes. After all, they are the ones using them.
At the same time you should be taking advantage of technology and implementing new techniques when appropriate. Software is constantly changing and there may be a better tool for something that you have been using for years. Be willing to make changes.
If you consistently apply and use these business systemizing tips you will quickly be running an efficient business.
While you may understand the importance of systemizing your business, there are some pitfalls that you want to avoid making. Read the following guidelines to ensure you don't make these common mistakes.
Jumping in with no plan - this just has to be one of the worst mistakes you can make. You are totally excited about systemizing your processes and then you go ahead full steam without any plan. Instead you need to stop, think and plan first. Then start implementing your systems one step at a time.
Looking for shortcuts - you can't copy the systems of another business. Each business is run differently and your systems need to fit your own processes to a tee. You wouldn't expect to use the McDonald's system and run a Starbucks franchise with it.
Having no manuals in place - as the business owner, you may know how each step of your business works, but nobody else does. This is why you need to create some type of operational manual for each area of your business. Start off by creating training manuals for each job or step of your business. Your end goal is to have enough manuals so that anyone could easily takeover any area of your business.