By Simply Adding Professional Web Graphic Elements to Your Sales Pages You Can Increase Your Conversions by Up to 300% !
Dear Fellow Entrepreneur
Let's face it, if you are in business for yourself online, you have probably picked up quite a few skills along the way. You probably can handle laying out your own pages, and modifying the header graphic. Maybe even make some extra buttons and flesh out a professional website.
You may even be making successful sales and growing a substantial subscriber list
But... Did You Know
Knowledge of Web 2.0, the new trend in web design, is essential to compete in today's internet marketing arena. ?
By using professional graphical elements on your website you increase the trust and credibility your visitors have in you and in your product. ?
Poorly planned web design with outdated graphics have been shown to deter future sales?
Professional, stunning and attractive graphics have been proven to increase your sales conversions?
Your competition is aware of the latest web design trends?
Having appealing graphics on your sales page can make the difference between 100 sales a month and 3 sales a month... ?
Because your site looks then more professional you convert more readers into buyers
You need professional marketing graphics in order to grab the attention of your visitors who are perpetually in a hurry,?
Marketing studies have shown most visitors scan through your sales page; they don't read it from start to end.
Professional graphic designers are expensive to hire, charging up to $50 an hour ... or more?