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Chapter 5: Risk Factors
Emotional and mental health continues to shape your life experiences. Early experiences during your childhood are really important. Biological and genetic factors play a significant role in your life however these two factors can also be changed by your life experiences.
The Risk Factors
If you want to get a hold of a better mind, better life and better living, it is very essential that you are familiar and aware about the risk factors that have the ability to compromise emotional and mental health. Here are some of the risk factors that can compromise your emotional and mental health.
Poor attachment and connection to your primary caretaker in life- Feeling abused, confused, unsafe, isolated and lonely as a young child or infant.
Serious losses and Traumas in life- Traumatic experiences that include hospitalization or war as well as sudden death of parents.
Learned Helplessness- Negative experiences and situations in life that usually lead to a certain belief can make you feel helpless. This is one of the reasons why you need to have control over the latest situations and happenings in your life.
Illness- This is considered as one of the risk factors that can affect your emotional and mental health especially when your illness is chronic, isolates and disables you from other people.
Side effects of your medications- This kind of risk factors usually happens to older people who are taking different types of medications for their illness and diseases. The side effects of their medications can compromise their emotional and mental health.
Substance Abuse- It is a fact that drug and alcohol abuse can cause emotional and mental health issues and problems. This can also make your mental health get worse.
Whatever external and internal factors have shape your emotional and mental health, it is not too late for you to change and improve your psychological well-being. It is true that risk factors can be easily counteracted with effective protective factors such as coping strategies, healthy lifestyles and strong relationships for managing negative emotions and stress.
For those people who are encountering emotional and mental health issues and problems, the best thing that they can do is to immediately consult a professional psychiatrist who will greatly help them to regain their emotional and mental health. Aside from this, you can also try stress management techniques, healthy lifestyles, supportive and healthy relationships and coping emotional strategies that will serve as your key and guide to easily bring back your emotional and mental health.
However if all your efforts did not work out, it simply means that this is the best time for you to consult a professional and reliable psychiatrist who will provide you with help, advice and guidance on how you can easily cope with your normal life. There are various psychiatrists who specialize in the field of regaining emotional and mental health. They are the ones that you should consult and rest assured that they will greatly help you in bringing back your normal.
Chapter 6: When Do You Need to See a Professional?
If you already made all your efforts just to enhance your emotional and mental health, but still don’t feel good, it is the perfect time for you to seek professional help. Since most people are socially attuned, input from a reliable, knowledgeable and competent caring professional can motivate you to do things that will help you to regain your emotional and mental health. Here, you will discover the red flag behaviors and feelings that require immediate attention. Check this out:
Red Flag Behaviors and Feelings of Having Emotional and Mental Health Problems
Thoughts of suicide and death
Self destructive and negative thoughts and fears that you can’t immediately control
Using alcohol, drugs, food and nicotine to cope during hardships in line and difficult situations
Concentration problems that can interfere with your home and work life
Feeling helpless, hopeless and down throughout the day
Inability to have enough sleep
If you notice that you have these red flag symptoms, the best thing that you can do is to set an appointment with your professional psychiatrist or emotional health professional. There is a wide variety of emotional health specialist and professionals who will greatly help you to easily get rid of your emotional and mental health issues and problems. It is very important that you choose the elite mental health specialist to make sure that you can come up with the best results. It is a fact that selecting the superb emotional health professional is not an easy task to do since it requires intensive research, time, commitment and dedication to obtain great results but it will be well worth it.
Emotional and mental health issues and problems have corresponding solutions. It should be treated ahead of time to keep it from getting worse. If you have loved ones who are experiencing emotional and mental health issues and problems, it is highly recommended to immediately seek professional help from mental health specialists and psychiatrists. They are the ones who can provide them with appropriate and effective therapy and medication that will help them to easily regain their normal life. However, don’t forget to try some of the helpful strategies and techniques to control emotional and mental health issues and problems.
Seeking professional help from experts as soon as possible can help patients to easily recover from their situations. It is true that emotional and mental health problems are a serious health conditions that need proper attention and medication. If their condition is not properly attended, there is a great chance that symptoms will get worse and treating them will require a long duration of time. If you want to have a better mind, better life and better living, this is the best time for you to take good care of your emotional and mental health. Being emotionally and mentally healthy will greatly help you to execute your daily activities perfectly and effectively.