The Best Online Marketing “Secret” Ever in the History of IM
I don’t know what day you’re reading this.
But I do know that today someone, somewhere, just launched a brand new Internet Marketing product or course that will finally teach you the secrets to building a successful Internet Marketing business in just months.
How do I know this?
Because every single day of every single year, someone does exactly this.
And here’s the best part – many and even most of these products work.
They truly do. That is, they work as long as you do the work.
Which bears repeating - Building an online business takes actual WORK.
There is no magic button to making a million overnight.
If there were, no one would be waiting tables or working at dead end jobs because everyone, and I mean EVERYONE would be rich. So just get thoughts of overnight wealth out of your pretty brain the next time someone tries to tell you they found the magic button and they’ll share it with you for just $97.
However, if you are willing to work, and you’re willing to invest in your business, then I will tell you the secret to having an honest to goodness real business within 3-4 months that does indeed earn you a minimum of $5,000 per month.
The sad things is, most people who read this aren’t going to actually DO it.
And that’s because it’s not sexy and it takes WORK.
Darn, there’s that 4 letter word again.
And one more thing – if you want to accomplish this in 3-4 months, it’s probably going to take an investment as well. Now, before you get unraveled because I suggested you have to WORK and INVEST, think about this…
…what job can you get - with no formal training - that will pay you $5,000 a month to start, with monthly raises? And that calls for you to work from any darn place you choose, when you want, where you want and how you want?
Name me one job like that and I’m in.
But there’s no such thing.
Imagine for a minute that you apply for a job.
The interviewer says to you, “The only training you need will be on the job. You’ll be making $5,000 a month by your third or fourth month. Each month that you want a raise, you can have one. There is no limit to what you can earn, it’s up to you. You can work from home or anyplace you like. You can work whenever you like, as little or as much as you like. And if there is any part of the job you don’t like doing, you can outsource it to someone else.”
That, my friend, is a job applicant’s wet dream.
And it’s exactly what you can have, if you want it bad enough. So what’s THE big internet marketing secret I mentioned in the title?
If you haven’t already guessed it, keep reading.
If you have guessed it, are you doing it yet? If not, why not????? Okay, here we go, and I warn you – you have heard this before. You may have heard this 100 times before.
But what counts is the ONE time you hear it and actually starting DOING it.
That, my friend, is LIFE-CHANGING.
And it’s why I’m taking so long to lead up to this – because I’m trying to help you make THIS the time you actually DO it and make it yours.
Here we go…
What you need to succeed is a LIST.
Yes, I told you that you heard this before.
But if you really want total financial freedom, you need a list.
You need a list.
You need a list.
Whew. Sorry about that. I get a little keyed up when I see people buying every latest greatest newest product out there when all they need to do is get busy and build a list.
Having a list gives you a ready market for any products you want to develop and create.
It allows you to sell affiliate products whenever you want. It allows you to make money on demand.
Whoa – did a big bill just land in your lap? Send an email and get the money to pay it.
Did you just find something in the store you MUST HAVE RIGHT NOW?
Send out an email and in a few hours you can have it.
Think about this… properly built and handled, a list of 10,000 people can give you an income of $5,000 a month if you promote the right affiliate offers.
This doesn’t even include promoting your own products. Plus when you have a list of 10,000, you also have leverage.
You can ask other marketers to promote your products to their lists in return for promoting their products to your list.
And you can build your list from zero to 10,000 in a couple of months, especially if you’re willing to invest in your list building efforts.
First, choose your niche. Health, finance and business, relationships, self-improvement… choose something you enjoy yourself that’s filled with people who spend money.
The hungrier your market, the better.
Either create a lead magnet or have one created for you. It should be an offer so enticing that visitors can’t help but opt-in to get it.
Put an upsell after that squeeze page to earn some up-front money.
Run solo ads or Facebook ads to send traffic to your squeeze page. Just spend a little bit here and there at first until you get your squeeze page and upsell page tweaked and optimized for best results.
Then buy more traffic. Use the profits from the upsell to buy MORE traffic.
Yes, you will be spending money.
But done right, you will also be making money.