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How to Eat Clean
Getting Started is Easy
To get started, and to be successful you need to do three things.
First you have to commit.
Second you have to be consistent.
And third you have be brutally honest with yourself.
Failure can't handle consistency. If you commit to Eating Clean and you do your best to keep at it and consistently work towards improving your eating habits then you will win. You don't have to be perfect but you do have to work consistently and daily to be better than you were yesterday. It's called Kaizen.
Honesty might seem a strange trait to add but it's because honest folk admit when they eat the wrong food. They admit when they eat too much and they admit to eating secretly behind closed doors, when there is no one looking.
Dishonest people tell themselves (and the people around them) how they live on salads, never snack and only eat healthy, whole foods despite the fact they carry plenty of spare calories on their stomachs. Tucking into slices of peanut butter sandwiches while they watch television and raiding the fridge late into the night — secret eaters are dishonest with themselves and the people around them.
You have to be honest with yourself to make this work.
The easiest way to do this is with a food diary.
Starting a Food Diary
Food diaries are a lot easier and a lot less hassle than you might think especially with so many apps you can download for your phone. To make it work makes a note (on paper or on your app) immediately after you eat. If you don't do it immediately you run the risk of letting your memory let you down!
All you have to do is write down exactly what you have eaten, when you ate it and how much you ate. If you can, keep a record of how you felt afterward too. We'll delve into why should keep track of how you feel a little later.
Without a food diary people tend to guess and (conveniently) forget or underestimate what have eaten.
Mental notes of what you are eating don't work and research supports the fact that keeping a food diary stacks the odds of success in your favor. You are much more likely to be successful if you keep a food diary. Without a food diary people pluck numbers from thin air and make random changes to their eating that may or may not work.
For example you might be eating good, wholesome food but not notice that it's too carbohydrate heavy or that you aren't eating enough protein to help your body replenish itself.
Without a food diary you can lose track of little treats here and there. Plus that little treat might not sound or feel like a lot but with a food diary you can see clearly that an extra 300 hundred empty calories in a candy bar or a latte adds up to an additional 2700 extra calories per week.
That's the equivalent of an extra days calories (maybe more)!
No wonder those pounds are slowly creeping upwards.
With a food diary you can see exactly what is going on without any guess-work or false assumptions. You can notice patterns, maybe you notice how you have a weakness for a snack late at night or that your breakfast is too small and your evening meal is too big.
You can see if you're eating too much saturated fat, too little fruit and vegetables or not drinking enough.
Improvements start with a food diary and without one you are just guessing.
It's the only way you can accurate assess what you're eating and make positive changes to it.