Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 5: Headline Swipes You Can Use
Why blow time attempting to come up with the next best headline when you are able to swipe from the masters! And by swipe, I mean adjust these headlines (and additional proven ones) to your own sales letters. Sentences and paragraphs may be copyrighted. Ideas can't.
A Starting Point
On with the headlines...
"If You've Got 19 Minutes Before You Play Your Next Round Of Golf. I'll Show You How To Knock 10 Strokes Off Your Score. It's Simple, It's Easy, And I Guarantee It Will Work For You. Or I'll Pay You $10!"
"How A Totally Self-Taught Pip-Squeak Golfer Ignored Everything The So-Called "Experts" Teach... And Stumbled On The ONE SECRET To Instantly Adding Dozens Of Accurate Yards To Your
Tee Shots... Especially If You're Too Short, Too Tall, or Too Out-Of-Shape!"
Simple 2-Step Secret Instantly Slashes 10-to-20 Strokes Off Your Very Next Round Of Golf... Legally... And Without Even Trying!
Who Else Wants To Quit Slicing Forever, While Adding 40 Yards To Your Drives And Hitting The Middle Of The Fairway. With Every Tee Shot From Here On Out!
"Superstar" PGA Teaching Pro Finally Agrees to Reveal the Secrets of Hitting Your Fairway Woods Longer and Straighter
Than You Ever Thought Possible — Without Ever Messing Up Another Crucial Fairway Shot For As Long As You Live!
Why Are Men Who Hunt Professional Killers Doing All They Can To Spend One Hour With This Guitar-Playing Streetfighter From L.A. Who HATES TO FIGHT?
"The 7 Stupid Mistakes Most Men Make That Can Get Their Loved Ones Carjacked, Robbed, Kidnapped, Sexually Assaulted Or Worse!"
Find out why so many world-class fighters are scrambling to be the first to see this astonishing "end it quick" fighting system... the first real advance in streetfighting in over four long years!
Stop Wasting Time Learning New Skills... And Learn To Supercharge The Skills You Have NOW To Kick Anyone's Ass Who Dares Go Against You!"
World-Famous Streetfighter Reveals The 10 Deadliest Mistakes Most People Make In a Real Fight - And How To Avoid Them!
Why Are Bigger, Stronger, Taller And Meaner Thugs Absolutely Terrified Of Challenging This Mild, Middle-Aged (And Undefeated) No-Rules Cage Fighter?
Secret New Fighting System Will Make Even A Black Belt Karate Expert Putty In Your Hands!
Did You Know There's $31 In Your Account Here?
For The Eyes Of TRS "Hotlist" Customers Only: URGENT AND CONFIDENTIAL
Why Almost Everyone Is Dead Wrong In How They Train For Massive Size, Strength And Power!
Get 3 Years Worth Of MONSTER GAINS In Your Toughest-To-Grow Spots... In Just 3 Short Months... Guaranteed! Canadian Sports Doctor Reveals Amazing Diet Secret That Replaces Steroids And Forces Your Body To Melt Fat Like Butter In A Microwave!
"Now You Can Sneak Away with the Exact Same Online Moneymaking Tools and Profit Strategies Revealed at the Sold-Out $4,995.00/per person 'Internet Marketing Lab' -for Just Pennies on the Dollar!"
"If You're Too Busy Running Your Business To Even Think About Marketing -- This Is What You've Been Waiting For"
Now you can instantly generate all the customers, profits and business you could ever want...with practically no work on your part!
Finally - a Simple, Video-Based Training System on CD-ROM that Teaches You Step-By-Step How to Make Real Money Online... 100% Guaranteed!"
Finally, the First Practical, Step-By-Step, Roadmap for Internet Success No Matter What Product or Service You Sell. 100% Guaranteed!"
"Amazing! Just point and click and you can be on the way to having kick-butt sales letters! A brilliant idea!"
"Let Us Hand You These 21 Top-Secret Methods To Instantly (and Ethically) Persuade Prospects to Buy NOW and Start Influencing Customers to Keep Buying FOREVER ... No Matter What Business You're In!"
"Here's the Ultimate, NO B.S. 'Take-You-by-the-Hand', 'Make-You-Get-Off-Your-Butt' and 'Force-You-To-Take-Action' Personal Internet Marketing Instruction and Coaching That Guarantees Your Success"
"New Resource Reveals The Amazing Secrets Behind The Net's Most Successful Email Campaigns"
Yours For Only $19 - The Greatest Collection of
Moneymaking Emails Ever
Now Here Are the Tools And Resources You Need - No Matter What Product or Service You Want To Sell...100% Guaranteed!"
Now You Can Instantly Double The Profits of Any Ad, Email, Web Site or Sales Letter"
Who Else Wants To Learn How To Create Their Very Own Internet Marketing "Oil Wells" That Make You Money Day And Night, Running Virtually On Auto-Pilot?
Why Would I, Dan Kennedy, a Grumpy Marketing Genius Give You 3 Months of My Best Information for FREE Even Though I Don't Even Go to Lunch for Free with Anyone? (The Answer May Surprise You)
Announcing: An unprecedented Name-Your-Own-Price...
Dutch Auction" on a Treasure Chest of my most prized training programs
A $2 Million inventory windfall and an unexpected warehousing problem have created the unique chance for you to own legendary programs at —pennies-on-the-dollar"
This one time only — I'll accept —insultingly low" offers until the warehouse is empty...and nothing remains
World Renowned Marketing Expert, Joe Vitale, Reveals Irresistible Marketing Secrets That Have Turned Ordinary People, Step-By-Step, Into Millionaires"
"I Dare You to Use These Hypnotic Selling Secrets and NOT Dramatically Increase Your Traffic, Your Sales, Your Conversions, and Your Business -- 100% GUARANTEED!"
Moments from now, you could be transforming your relationship to money, creating greater freedom to attract as much of it as you desire!
"A Powerful Marketing Strategy - Which Turned A One-Page Press Release Into A $1,000,000 Sales Magnet - Exposed For The First Time Ever!"
The Power of Outrageous Marketing Use the time-tested secrets of tycoons, titans, and billionaires, to explode your business in 90 days
"Who is the Hypnotic Writing Wizard?" You Are When You Use this Incredible New Software!
"5 Simple Steps GUARANTEED to Attract New Cars, Dream Homes, Spiritual Balance, Even the Perfect Companion into Your Life NOW!" "I Dare You to Use These Hypnotic Selling Secrets and NOT Dramatically Increase Your Traffic, Your Sales, Your Conversions, and Your Business -- 100% GUARANTEED!"
"Record-Breaking Copywriter Shares His Proven Secrets On How To Grab Your Readers By The Eyeballs And Dramatically Boost Your Sales...FREE!"
In 5 minutes, I'll show you... "My 'Paint-By-Numbers' System For Taking Over Lousy Websites, Fixing Them Up And Pocketing Up To An Easy 10,000% Net Profit (Or More) In Less Than A
Few Weeks, Even Days... GUARANTEED!"