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4. Recognizes and Appreciates Employees Who Do a Good Job
Let's admit it - everyone wants to feel appreciated. As a boss, it is good habit to always recognize when employees go out of their way to do something beneficial to the company. For example if one of the employees stepped up when a colleague was away and did their job, it would be great if you as the boss recognized that and perhaps bought them a card of appreciaGon for a job well done.
If the company records good profits, you can hold a end year party for the employees and moGvate them to keep working harder. You will be surprised at how moGvated the work force will be if you made it a point to always appreciate them when you feel they have done a good job. You do not even need to buy them a gi@. SomeGmes, just a word of 'CongratulaGon' or 'Good job' is enough to make them feel appreciated. Remember, just because you are the boss does not mean you should take all the credit when the company does well. It takes collecGve effort, and you should always have that at the back of your mind.
5. Know and Understand the People You Work With
Bosses who stand out and excel are always the ones who take their Gme to know their employees. Knowing them does not mean snooping into their personal lives, but rather understanding what they are all about. What are their strengths? What drives them? What are their temperaments? What are some of their challenges, and what are they baFling with?
You are probably wondering how you can do that, right? Well, the answer is simple: Interact with them. Talk to them and also study them as they go around their business. Work retreats and interacGons outside the work environment can also enhance a good working relaGonship. The reason why knowing them is important is that you learn how to interact with all of them as individuals. It also gives you a chance to mentor and direct them beFer.
Take care while you are interacGng with your employees and ensure you do not cross the line and become unethical in the interacGons. Be very professional and try not to be intrusive in an aFempt to learn what your employees are all about.
6. Handle Conflict in the Office Professionally
Much as you may want everything in the office to be as smooth as possible every day, sadly, it may never happen. Where many people are working together, there is bound to be some conflict or misunderstanding at one point. As a boss, it is obvious that you may be called upon to handle it. If it is conflict between two employees, you may someGmes leave them and let them handle it on their own. However, if it is something serious that may interfere with their overall performance at work, as a leader, you may have to intervene. When doing this, be as professional as possible. Do not yell at anyone, or create a scene in the process of resolving the conflict.
No maFer how overwhelmed you are, always try to control yourself so that you do not lose respect in the eyes of your employees. At the same Gme, be firm when making decisions, but never let it seem like you are favoring one employee over the other. It will create bad blood between you, and other employees may think you are unethical in your leadership.