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In the last chapter I told you about my 'real' secret to success.
It was finding my 'sales personality' - the side that loves to help other people get what they want.
That's what selling REALLY is... the problem is most people do not see it this way.
If you're a buyer and you see a 'sales pitch' your first reaction is, "He's just trying to sell me something to make money so the product must not be any good."
I'm cynical too. With all the marketing messages we are bombarded with everyday, skepticism is normal.
And, for most offers, you're probably right to be skeptical...
But then there are some offers that seem really genuine... there's something about the offer that lowers your natural defenses and gets you excited... or at least 'interested' in the offer.
What makes the difference?
Sincerity, honesty, truth... well, yes.
But there is also a 'realness' about the person who wrote the offer you're reading.
They are *believable*, or *real*.
You get to know the person - they tell you about themselves and make you feel like you 'know' them and you feel like they are writing to you, personally.
The writer says things in a certain way that make you believe what he is telling you - he's credible and convincing.
THAT is selling. If you're writing sales letters here's the secret you need to keep in front of you:
Selling is all about creating a relationship with your reader.
You reveal something personal... you reveal that you're not 'perfect', that you have faults too.