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Matthew: Even without that offer, you still would have been able to make the $12,000 in sales and make a nice chunk of affiliate commissions off of that.
I wanted to clarify that so everyone has the mindset that this works for beginners who don’t have products. It’s really straightforward.
Why don’t we jump right into it with the steps you went through? Which month did you quit your job?
Simon: I like to say “retired.” This happened on August 5, 2006.
Matthew: What steps did you take right after that? What did you do to build your list of 5,000 people? How much work was involved?
Simon: The process started a little bit before that date. I had been doing research and had been in touch with other internet marketing experts and people I like to call my friends.
It was pretty new for me at the time. I knew a lot about Google AdWords and helped a lot of clients, but didn’t really know internet marketing as an entrepreneur. I would probably consider myself a newbie back in 2006 when I was first starting out. This was the result I got. I have to give a lot of credit to Google and my background there as part of the team.
It was about a month before I left the company that the “Google slap” came about. It’s a term a lot of internet marketers dubbed for a new quality score criteria algorithm that Google set for a lot of advertisers.
Google had a new evaluation system for people who promote sites that aren’t exactly the best quality. They came up with a list of things like having a good-quality product. It was a whole different set of landing page policies and guidelines that they had to adhere to.
A lot of people were penalized by it because of the way Google set it up. They didn’t understand exactly how it worked.