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One of the more popular tools that is currently making waves in the advertising arena over the internet is the banner ads tool. The banner ads are a new form of advertising that has proven its worth in terms of its capability in reaching the masses effectively.
Banner Ad Bomb
Learn How To Use Banner Ads To Drop The Competition In Its Tracks
Chapter 1:
Banner Ad Basics
Being a fast growing entity with far reaching possibilities the internet marketing platform has been able to successfully launch and sustain a lot of businesses over the years.
With this growth there comes a need to provide various complimenting and customer focus advertising campaigns. These campaigns often require the assistance of various internet tools to ensure its target audience is reached and successfully compelled to becoming loyal purchasing customers.
The Basics
The banner ad tool is not necessarily and expensive form of internet advertising not does it have many prohibiting features and this makes it an attractive proposition to use especially for the smaller business entrepreneur.
The ability of banner ads to bring in new traffic to the site is another reason to use this tool as it effectively provides the necessary interest in the site that features it.
However it should be noted that banner ads are not something that should be randomly chosen just for the sake of advertising the product or service intended for the target audience.
Careful thought should be given to the style and content of the banner ad as it is the first phase of the content matter the prospect is going to be exposed to.
Therefore the design should be done in an attention grabbing manner to not only to attract the attention of the target audience but to hold it too.
An important feature to include in the banner ad posting is to offer something for free or at a discount. This is a very quick and effective way of getting the attention of the viewer.
Chapter 2:
Choose A Great Punch Line
Most banner ads require a punch line to drive home the point of the ad or to make a statement that would adequately get the overall message across. These punch lines should be well designed and careful thought should be given to its content. The punch line is the element that is going contribute to the prospect wanting to explore further.
Get Attention
Here are some recommendations that should be considered when designing punch lines:
Punch lines chosen should have a connective reference to the subject matter of the banner ads. Random one-liners will not serve the purpose of the overall ad well thus defeating the main purpose of getting the ad recognized. The viewing audience should be able to have a point of reference from the punch line to the banner ad being viewed.
Punch lines should not be designed to be obscure where only a small percentage of the viewing audience will be able to relate to it. The idea of banner ads is to reach a wide target audience and not a focused few. If the punch line chosen can be understood randomly then the correct choice was made.
Punch line should be brief as lengthy ones will get lost in translation. When the viewer is not able to instantly catch on then the punch line has not been well phrased. Punch lines can also contain witty remarks, sound effects, facial expressions and voice inflections. These can be added to create the excitement enhancing factor that will get the designed message across more effectively.
The design of the punch line should also fit the demographics and the technical capabilities of the target audience. Designing material that is confusing and uninteresting to the audience based on their understanding capacities will eventually render the banner ads null and void in its quest to be well received.
Chapter 3:
Make Sure You Have Great Copy
Although banner ads are an ideal form of advertising platforms for the internet marketing arena there should be some serious thought put into the exercise of designing these ads. Visibility and quality are something that should get consideration in making a copy that would be both attractive and attention grabbing.
What You Say
Making a great copy would entail focusing on some important elements and the following are just some recommendation to consider:
Visibility of the banner should ideally also consider the size aspect of the design. Selecting the best size that would create the desired impact on the viewer is how the popularity of the banner ads is heightened. Ideal size banner ads are full size which should be about 468 x 60 pixels, vertical banner ads should be about 120 x 240 pixels and the button size banner ad should be about 120 x 90 or 120 x 120 pixels.
Flashing banner ads are more likely to catch the attention of the view as compared to still ones. It would be better to make use of the .gif images to make the flashing and rolling well placed to ensure the viewer is not irritated by the less than acceptable standards. Also having fewer frames improves the loading time thus giving the viewer a more efficiently run viewing.
Adding footer lines at the bottom of the banner ads is also recommended as it helps add the sites to URL. Choosing to add some catchy notes at the bottom of the ads is also a good idea.
The message content should be simplified while using the combined text and visual data.
Posing questions in a visible and competition style design will create a good and interesting copy for the banner ads.
Most banner ads today rely heavily on animations as this seems to be an effective attention grabbing tool.