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Chapter 2: The Three Pillars of Life
We may not realize their significance but this is what life stands on.
The Three Pillars of Life
"We are not physical beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings undergoing a physical experience."
Gurus and holy books have reminded us of this message since the beginning of civilization. We tend to focus on the needs of our bodies all the time. And when we feel empty and desperate, we turn towards spiritual fulfillment. You may be a fine, healthy young man or woman, but if your spirit is depressed, your body will soon begin to suffer.
In the words of the Buddha "The mind is everything. What you think you become."
To achieve a balanced mind and in turn to live a balanced physical existence, three qualities have to be in perfect equilibrium - Wisdom, Benevolence and Courage. A balance of these 3 qualities ensures that you achieve your goals in life with zest and discipline while also being compassionate to your fellow beings, guided by wisdom.
If you only have passion without wisdom and compassion, you may become a cruel and foolish person. Benevolence alone without willpower and wisdom will make you a useless romantic idealist. And wisdom alone without action and kindness will turn you into a reclusive hermit. Theosophy teaches that when these three virtues are kept in equilibrium, Man can become fully effective and happy in the world.
Just try it out. Make a list of your friends and tick away in 3 columns against their names. You will be able to see one or two of the above
qualities missing in them. And you will find that he or she who has all the three virtues in balance is the best human being among them all.
Similarly, the Kaballah teaches that Life has 3 Pillars - Judgment, Mercy and Compassion. When the opposing instincts of Judgment and Mercy are tempered by Compassion, a balance is struck in our spirituality and this in turn brings equilibrium to our physical world.
Chapter 3: What Disturbs the Balance?
We don't want these but we need them. These are the temptations that our physicality may crave for but our spirituality abhors.
What Disturbs the Balance?
"Drugs are a waste of time. They destroy your memory and your self-respect and everything that goes along with your self esteem" - Kurt Cobain, singer of grunge band Nirvana
The fact that the man who said this line succumbed to a drug overdose is a sobering thought. It reflects the deadly power that narcotics, alcohol, tobacco and other addictions have over their victim's mind.
The most important thing to remember in the quest for a physical-spiritual balance is that your body is a Temple in which your Mind is the High Priest. Allowing destructive forces like addictions and bad habits to occupy the temple is to weaken and finally kill the High Priest.
Some drugs induce an elevated state of altered consciousness. Unfortunately, the fantastic perceptions that a drug user experiences do not last very long. What lasts long is the terrible addiction to the vice. A very heavy price - that of loss of control - is paid for an illusion of power and enlightenment.
Food determines our spiritual outlook too. We say - he is like a tiger, she is like a sheep, they behave like vultures - all these archetypes emerge from food habits and their implications for our spiritual nature. Red meats, alcohol, tobacco, fermented and stale foods weaken the Temple of the Body. These foods stress the digestive, circulatory and breathing systems. Vegetarian food that has a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins is easily digested, assimilated and excreted. Certain foods affect the neuro-transmitters (chemicals in the brain) and affect our daily functions like memory, muscle coordination and sleep. Bad food can also change your moods and the way you perceive the world around you.
Hence the maxim - You are what you eat. Eating a balanced meal with plenty of water and exercise and staying away from toxic habits can keep the Temple of the Body clean and shining. Search within your mind, you can achieve an altered consciousness just by meditation, where is the need for drugs and alcohol?
Fasting periodically and correctly can cleanse the body of undesirable toxins and free radicals that cause ageing. Consuming minimal or no food at all for a few days can give your body a chance to excrete the accumulated waste products and rebuild the stressed out body. Fasting combined with meditation is an excellent way to give your body a break and to allow it to reacquaint itself with its Spiritual High Priest!