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Many people are so stubborn in their unconscious need to defend their bad habits that they refuse help even when their lives depend on it.
In Changing For Good, James Prochaska mentions a startling experiment done by a zoologist named Calhoun. Instead of using domesticated white mice and rats in his research, Calhoun studied wild mice to gain an insight into how they strive to maintain control over their own behavior.
In one experiment, Calhoun gave the mice an electric switch that allowed them to select dim light, bright light, or no light in their cages.
When allowed to make their own choice, the mice avoided bright lights and darkness; time after time, they turned on the dim light.
But when the dim light was turned on by the experimenter, the mice ran to the switch and turned it off. Then they turned on the bright light or left the cage dark.
In another experiment, the mice were given control of a switch that activated a treadmill, which was their only source of exercise. Caged mice need to run about eight hours a day to stay healthy. Without any prompting, the mice turned on the treadmill and ran at different times of the day.
Whenever the experimenter turned on the treadmill, the mice immediately turned it off, even though the first part of the experiment clearly showed that the mice wanted and needed to exercise.