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6g. The Roles Of Each Stage
Next, comes the big part. Those two examples of the different types of backend sales are great, and they do indeed demonstrate the type of effect we're going for in your online marketing here. What I'm going to do now for you, is take each type of product, from the free one, all the way up to the really high ticket one and talk about them to you in direct relation to the five primary resources and online marketing we discussed earlier, and the goals, problems, solutions and most importantly what each stage grants you in terms of these marketing resources.
Ok, first up in this chain of events we have the free product. This is something that you're going to be giving away that will generally be related to your final high ticket item, even if not directly, you need to be making sure that you're attracting the people that are going to be interested in your higher priced product and your target market.
Now obviously, seeing as this product is free, it's goal isn't to make you a huge amount of cash. What you will find though, is this is the area that will be exposed to the most amount of people and will start you down the road to building all five of your resources, but initially, before you move on to the next stages, it'll only be building your mailing list. There's nothing to buy yet, nothing to promote, so there go the JV, long term and short term customers ideas.
Eventually some of these people may develop into these resources, and cash in your pocket, but for now, that's not what we're after. A simple entry level product that will build the numbers that you can promote to for free. They won't be the most targeted in the world either, remember your previous customers are far more likely to buy from you again than these people to start buying from you, but it's still important as a starting phase. Gotta start somewhere, this is where.
Now depending on your product, this free section can vary in size and type. If I were creating a marketing based info product as my highest ticket item, I'd make sure I'm getting people interested in marketing by creating a small, original document relating to my high ticket item. Even if I'm not selling a marketing based product, I might still be able to create a how to document that gives valuable information about how to do something that relates indirectly to my final product. For example, I may release a document that explains how webmasters can attract a large number of affiliates, where as my end product may be a webmasters affiliate solution or software.
So you see, at this stage, even if your end product isn't an info product, you can always go out there and learn, and create a short info product that relates indirectly to your final high ticket item. The reason it’s so important that your free item is connected in some way to your high ticket item, is because our aim is to take these free signups and distribute them not only through your five main resources, but to get those sales flowing for your high ticket item too. It’s no good if the list you’re gathering isn’t interested in what you will end up selling to them.
I've seen this done numerous times, and have carried this out for myself, and I have to say it's highly effective for grabbing a targeted but diverse list. Try to think laterally when creating this product, and most of all be original. A 1980's e-book reprint doesn't cut it anymore.
Length wise, for an info product of this type, you can be looking at anything from three or four pages of said information in exchange for mailing list details, up to ten or twenty pages. Don't go too far and give away the world for nothing. You'll only end up attracting a bunch of freebie seekers. Instead, make sure your info is solid, focused, and the best thing you've ever written. After all, it's these people that are going to go on and turn into your other resources. Through follow-up and hopefully if you've done it well, straight through the info packed report you've written and instantly onto product number two. It's almost an extended sales letter that contains good information intended for quick conversions.
Stage two, the cheap product. The second stage in this cycle, however also sometimes the first (usually my first also). It really depends on the person and their promotion power, and whether or not you think that you can get the word out about free products (of which it's very hard to joint venture for unless it's directly tied in with your end high ticket item.) So we'll call this starting point number two. Your choice totally. Both work incredibly well. Keep in mind however that when choosing, it's harder to promote for free to try and sell a freebie than it is to promote for cost to sell a freebie, and even promote for free to sell something that costs.
Now when I say cheap product, I'm talking ten to sixty dollars. Again, totally depends on your aims and your target market. What we have to remember here though, is that people are paying for it. This is the first time you've asked your customers to get their wallets out, and when they do they're going to expect a real, useful and functioning product to come out of it. At this stage you must not under any circumstances make this a glorified sales letter.
Yes indeed your intention is to sell people on to the next product on the ladder, but that's just it. If someone pays you for just a sales letter of some sort, they're definitely not going to be happy, and will see the quality of what they've just bought and never look at your products again. This is the exact opposite of what we want them to do. The idea here is that they can read through it, or test out the product, and at the same time subtly be sold on to the next product, either through followup, or links at the end of the document.