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This method of traffic generation can be quite time-consuming and can negatively affect your search engine optimization if you don’t do it correctly. Basically, it’s very important to have quality, incoming links from other sites related to yours.
A lot of people have this hare-brained idea that linking to every site they can find and submitting to every link directory known to man will help their ranking. Well, it won’t! And you have to be careful not to link to sites that are black-listed/banned by search engines. It’s a case of the them.
The good news is that it's getting easier and easier to link properly! Software like SEO Elite and Arelis are helpful in finding and securing quality reciprocal links. There are also online services like Link Metro that will help you find worthwhile link partners. Then, of course, you can always do it manually if your budget’s small.
Your Own Ezine
With a weekly/biweekly/monthly ezine, you can promote your sites under your signature or in little ads/sidebars within your ezine. Of course, you wouldn’t want to jam your site info down your reader’s throat! Most often, I see ezine publishers’ site URL’s listed under their name at the end of the ezine. If I’m interested, I click on the URL. Have you ever clicked on a site URL provided within an ezine?