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It goes without saying (but let’s say it anyway, since we’re all here together!). PLEASE PLAN AHEAD!
You may be one of those very talented people who tend to do things without a lot of planning; you just have a flair for pulling things off, and often, for pulling them out just in the nick of time. If this sounds like you, then you should really heed these sage word: PLEASE PLAN AHEAD!
The thing about a baby shower is that there are a lot of variables that come together to determine whether it succeeds or doesn’t succeed. As you know from reading the first section in this book, everything from choosing the time of year for the shower, to the amount of time to “RSVP” the invitations, are elements that can influence the shower. Or to put things more frankly: if something is wrong in any of these elements, then they will almost certainly negatively influence the overall baby shower experience.
So how do you deal with this? Simply by planning ahead. Have a plan – write it out! – and see what you have to do, and in what timeframe. If you need help, then talk to the mother-to-be and recruit some deputies. If you need assistance making a decision – such as who to invite – then get the help that you need. By planning, you’re able to see what you need to do, and therefore, you can go ahead and do it.
On the flipside, when you don’t plan, you are almost certainly going to overlook a detail or two. At the time, they may seem minor (“do I really need to follow-up with people who haven’t RSVP’d the invitation?”).
Yet once the shower actually happens, it’s kind of like racing a car in the Indy 500: if there are flaws, they will be exposed. So don’t let your little details come back to bite you, or any of the other guests (including the mother-to-be).
If you aren’t a good planner, then here’s your opportunity to become one. It’s not that hard at all; it just requires a little effort (that goes a long way!).