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Chapter 6 Think Of Positive Words to Get You Motivated
Words are powerful and these have the power to motivate, inspire and persuade people. But on the contrary, these can also dissuade, dismiss and discourage. It is therefore highly essential to always think about positive words to get you motivated. With positive words, you can wield power to embark seeds of success. In the process, you also get the chance to reveal who you really are, what you truly believe and how you think.
Be Positive
Regardless of what the purpose may be, the right words should always be chosen and get spoken. If you are faced with tons of responsibilities and things that you need to accomplish, you probably feel of delaying things and putting them up for tomorrow.
This is the habit of procrastination and this stops people from being more productive and directed towards their goals. There are several ways on how to overcome this and get things done and thinking about positive words to get you motivated is one excellent way to beat procrastination.
Think about positive words that trigger you to keep moving on. This does not to be taken in just a snap. You need to deal with your tasks one by one. It really takes lots of small steps before you can completely accomplish things.
Never allow those words that can ruin your day for you will just end up distracted. In such scenario, the level of your focus and productivity will be affected. Think about words that will remind you that you need to do things that needs to be completed this day for tomorrow will be a great day for other routines and tasks.
Remember that thinking about positive words yields to positive thinking and excellent results. If the words you are hearing within your environment affect you negatively or trigger you to procrastinate, better change your environment and choose to be in a place surrounded by people who share their encouraging words or words of wisdom. Thinking about these words will fuel your desire to overcome bad habits, become a better person and achieve your goals.
Positive words can actually change what you think about and these can influence your mood as well as your decision making. These can also fuel your enthusiasm and makes you believe that you can do or achieve anything as long as you have real determination and you are willing to put an effort in whatever it is that you need to do. If you are also planning to overcome procrastination, you can think about positive words to get you motivated. This helps you to be more energized and motivated to do your work rather than delaying them, rushing and panicking during last minutes.
Chapter 7: Think About What You Really Want To Accomplish and Share It with Others
When you are in the process of discovering what you really want to accomplish, you might encounter a lot of questions and confusions. Some says that in order to think about and determine what you want to, you need to distinguish your wants from your needs. Discovering what you really want requires self discovery. If you are into a habit like procrastination, discovering what you really want to can somehow help you eliminate procrastination. The following are tips on how you can figure out what you really want to and how these things can help you stop procrastination.
What Is It
There are inevitable instances in life that individuals are faced with lots of things that confuse them and make it hard for them to figure out what they need to do and what they really want in life. These are the types of scenarios are discouraging individuals and triggering them to procrastinate. If you are starting to procrastinate because of these reasons, you need to deal with this and overcome this as much as possible.
You need to have a proper mindset and perspective. Take time to figure out what you really want to accomplish and unveil means on how to share these to others. You can consider the following steps in doing so:
Discover What You are Really Passionate About
If a new thing or task is not something that you feel interested or passionate about, then you need to think of ways on how to make them really engaging for you to be motivated on completing them.
Get Feedbacks from Friends and Families
In most cases, individuals who are closest to you know your aspirations, dreams or any important thing that you really want to accomplish. So if you are having hard time thinking about what you really want to accomplish, you can get feedbacks from closest friends and families for they are the ones who know you better.
Talk to the individuals that you truly trust and ask them to grace you with honest assessment on how they visualize you going in life.
However, you need to prepare yourself because you may not like all the answers that will be given to you. You can also ask friends and families about their opinions and perceptions about your strengths and weaknesses.
Do some Visualization or Soul searching
You can do some soul searching if you have the desire to figure out what you really want to accomplish in life. Think about the fulfilling times as well as the down times for this can help you decide which part or point in your life you wanted to pursue. If you have a clear understanding about what you really need to focus, you become more concentrated and motivated to complete your task. In such way, you are also breaking the habit of procrastination in a way. It is true that individuals who procrastinate more often are those who do not have directions in life or timeline of things that needs to be completed.
There are lots of powerful ways on how you can think about and decide what you really want to accomplish in life but the most important thing is that you need to focus what you want and not with the things that you do not want and be able to share it with others to inspire and help them figure out what they also need to accomplish.