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Why it's important
In our daily lives we're constantly bombarded with people and ads telling us what to do, what to think, what to buy. Thankfully we're usually able to filter out information that we deem irrelevant or not trustworthy. We don't listen to just anyone. If a random person on the street told you he's going to invest $10,000 in a specific stock you'd probably wish him good luck and count yourself lucky that you're not the one gambling your money away on the stock market. But, if that person was Warren Buffett you'd probably be on the phone, calling a stock broker two seconds after the conversation ended. Why is that?
It's simple really: Warren Buffett is a Wall Street authority. Over the years he's built a reputation that makes people see him as an expert investor. You know he's the real deal, and if he was to give you a top secret, insider stock tip you'd probably listen to every word he had to say.
The same is true in any other field. The word of a reputable expert is always treated like gold, whether that expert is a plumber, a doctor or a personal development guru. And, it's the person who's put in the effort with personal branding that is most likely to achieve that expert status.
Say you were to launch an SEO marketing firm. Selling your services would be a lot easier if you were well-known and highly regarded within the SEO industry. Who do you think people would rather hire? The guy with 10,000 Twitter followers who consistently delivers ground-breaking SEO case studies, or the "nobody" who's been working quietly behind the scenes for 20 years, never sharing his techniques with anyone?
Even if they're on the same skill level, and have both had major success in their field, it's safe to assume that the first guy is well ahead in terms of authority and therefore much more likely to gain the business of people looking for an SEO expert.