Legally Hi-Jack The Authority of Big-Name Sites And Get People to Sign Up To Your Lists, Complete Your CPA Offers, Go to Your Affiliate Links and Even Buy Your Products!
If you can copy & paste - you can make money with this. Easy to Use Software Does All The Hard Work. Full Training Included - Get Started Today. Doesn't Require Wordpress.
Dear Internet Marketer,
If you want more subscribers or to get more people to buy your products or complete your CPA offers then you need to download this clever piece of software that legally hi-jacks the authority of big name authority sites like CNN, The BBC, Fox News, and CBS (they are just examples, you will be able to hi-jack the authority of ANY site).
CNN News
Imagine this...
Joe Shmoe is discussing a trending topic on Twitter or Facebook (this is not limited to those sites) and he sees that someone has posted a link to a news article or a blog post about the topic. He clicks and reads the article and while he is on the site (or just as he goes to leave - configurable by you) up pops a message inviting him to subscribe to YOUR email list to get the latest news and updates on related topics.
Fred Bloggs follows a link to a news article on CNN about the latest elections. While on the page he is asked to take part in a poll about who he thinks will win and in exchange for doing so he'll be entered into a draw to win an ipad. This poll is actually YOUR CPA offer and when he takes part you get paid!
Click here to see it in action(let the page load and then go to close it).
You can have your window pop up after a set time or when they go to exit the page - the choice is yours. And because of the type of window - pop up blockers don't stop it.
And this is so easy to do..Do it yourself or easilyshow an outsourcer what to do.