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Chapter 5: Write Affirmations
Writing affirmations can help you a lot when you are trying to use the power of the law of attraction to bring good things in your life. Believe it or not simply saying positive statements or writing them out can make a huge positive impact on your life. After saying or writing enough positive statements about the blessings you want to receive in your life you will start to believe them and they will become true.
As mentioned before, the law of attraction is influenced by the mindset that you have, therefore if you have positive thinking reinforced by the power of affirmations the law of attraction will start to bring good things into your life and no time and you will be amazed by how fast and how many blessings come.
The following chapter will go over the importance of writing affirmations as well as why they are so important when it comes to trying to use the law of attraction to your advantage. We will also go over ways in which you can write affirmations that are effective and work well.
Write It, Believe It
In order for the affirmations that you write to work effectively it is highly important for you to make sure that you are doing them in a certain manner. The following are step by step instructions that should help to ensure that you write the most effective affirmation possible.
Step One
One of the simplest ways to get started when it comes to writing affirmations is to begin by writing a series of I am statements. You want these statements to be about what you want to become or what you want to bring into your life. This seems really simple, doesn’t it? That is because it is simple. Something as simple as writing out statements on a daily basis can cause the law of attraction to begin to make these statements true. One important thing is that you must always remember to believe these statements or else this entire process will be a waste of time. It may be difficult to believe these statements at first but in time it will become much easier.
Step Two
It is important that when you write your affirmations you stay away from writing out negative things. You want to stay on a positive note so you need to focus on things such as what you want to bring in to your life and not what you want to get out of it. The law of attraction will react with what you write and what you think so any negative statements might result in undesired results.
Step Three
It is important in life that you are always yourself. You should never try to be someone other than who you really are. This is true even when you are talking about how you write out your affirmations. You want to use words and phrases that are normal for you to use. Do not try to sound like a different person. It is true that you are honest with yourself and that you are true to who you are.
Step Four
When you write your affirmations it is highly important that you write them out with a lot of energy and passion. You want to throw some of your personality in them. Making them boring and dull will make them seem like more of a task than an affirmation. Affirmations are supposed to be happy and full of hope so put some energy into writing them.
Step Five
You do not want to waste time worrying about how your affirmations are going to come true. That is the job of the law of attraction. When you write out your affirmations and truly believe them you will draw those things into your life. As stated before, it may not be overnight but it will happen sooner or later.
You will be surprised by the power that affirmations have, I guarantee it you just have to try it for yourself top experience it. The law of attraction is very powerful and using positive affirmations is a great way to harness the power of attraction and use it to benefit your life.
You may feel a little weird at first when you begin writing your affirmations but this feeling will pass in time. I cannot say enough how important it is that you truly believe your affirmations. Affirmations must be believed in if you want them to work. Once again, if you do not believe in your affirmations they will be nothing but a big waste of time.
Chapter 6: Feel That You Already Have
When trying to benefit from the law of attraction it is extremely important that you take the time to understand and feel that you already have many things in life. You need to learn to be grateful to the universe for what it has provided you with and always keep in mind that there are people in this world who have it much more than you.
You will also notice that when you begin to be grateful for what you have and begin to feel like you have enough in your life that you are blessed with a sense of being content and sense of serenity. You will also notice that when you are grateful for what you have and feel like you have enough in life the law of attraction will bless you with good things in your life.
The positive feeling of gratefulness will reflect on the law of attraction so you should exhibit this feeling as much as possible. The following chapter will go over the importance of feeling that you have as well as the importance of being grateful and how it relates to the law of attraction..