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As you take a young woman through the different stages of the process outlined in this report...from making her feel safe, to getting her interested in you, to creating attraction in her for you, to going out on a date with her...you should be mindful of certain "forbidden" topics and actions.
And, you should do your best to never bring certain topics up on purpose...especially during the early stages of the interaction. If these topics do come up (by her,) you should know how to respond to them, i.e. you should know what not to say.
The reality is, you don't know what the young woman is thinking at any given moment. You don't know what her intentions are toward you. And, so you would want to keep your options open (unless you're looking for something very specific from her.)
She may see you as a potential date or as a potential "fling" candidate... or she may already have a boyfriend and she may be thinking about having an "affair" with you.
So, unless you are looking for something very specific from her (in which case, you should just be honest about your intentions so you can weed out the wrong ones,) you should not ruin any of your chances unnecessarily.
Also...sometimes, it's just better to not openly admit to certain things until after you've reached the attraction phase, or much later. And, at that point, you can disclose more things about yourself to each other and see if it still makes sense to continue the interaction.
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