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Children with Aspergers have a difficult time establishing friends. This is due in large part to a general lack of social skills. Helping your child gain social skills will provide a base on which friendships can be built. Your child may have a difficult time joining in with others and may even experience anxiety if forced to join a group. This may in turn lead to inappropriate behaviors, which may distance them even more from the group.
A child with Aspergers often does not seem motivated or know how to play with other children of their own age. When involved in joint play, there can be a tendency to impose or dictate how the activity will occur. Social contact with other children may only be tolerated as long as the other children play by their rules. Playing with other children means that they have to share and also that they have to cope with different ideas.
Many children with Aspergers prefer to be left alone and participate in their own activities without interruption. You can help your child by teaching them social skills that may make them more comfortable in social situations but also help them to interact appropriately and less likely to be a target for teasing.
Carol Gray developed a technique called Social Stories that has been shown to be effective in increasing social skills. This technique involves creating a story board that describes a situation and include appropriate actions and expressions. It can be like a cartoon sequence of events that give your child an idea of how to act in a certain situation.