Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Chapter 5: Article Copywriting Tips
Copywriting is the art of getting your readers to carry out your most desired action. This could be something from getting them to click on a link, sign up to your mailing list or even buy a product.
Some Tips
In the context of article marketing, your job is to get them to do two things:
Fall in love with your content
Click on your self-serving links
There are a few things you can do here:
The first is the optimizing your headlines (refer to chapter 4). Remember, the body content of your article must relate to your article title.
Use bullet points to lay out key points and elaborate on them.
Give examples. Illustrating examples helps get the ideas across more clearly.
Ask questions. Asking questions gets their mind juice flowing and more involved in your articles.
In short, follow these simple guidelines and you’ll be on the road to them getting to click on your links and getting massive traffic to your website.
Chapter 6: SEO Article Writing
SEO stands for search engine optimization, which is the art of getting your articles found on the search engines. The current largest search engine in the world is Google, so you’ll need to know what Google likes in web content to be able to get your articles found.
The first thing you must know about SEO, is that you must be very clear with the keywords you are trying to target. High search volume + less competition would be a good guide. In short, don’t exceed 2% worth of keyword density for your articles.
Don’t just target main keywords, you can try long tail keywords (keywords with less search volume but virtually zero competition). These searches are normally highly targeted and these guys could probably be your buying customers.
If you want to include a link in your body text (see if your submission directory allows it), make sure you use anchor text links - Meaning that the words for the link is actually a keywords. E.g. if you want to link to your dog training website, an anchor text link would be “dog training tips”
The best thing about SEO, is that it doesn’t matter if you are submitting it to article directories, the same works for article you put on your own blog, other people’s blogs or basically any form of web content! One more thing... Google is getting smarter and smarter so content is equally important as SEO.
Chapter 7: Article Marketing Mistakes To Avoid
Article marketing can be a very powerful tool for generating massive passive traffic. But if you use it incorrectly, you’ll end up doing more harm than benefits. Here are some article marketing mistakes you should avoid at all cost:
The Errors
Over-doing the keywords. If you put too much keywords in your article for SEO purposes, you’ll end up coming off as spam by Google and this will hurt your rankings. Furthermore
Not optimizing your resource box. A lot of views are left on the table because people fail to optimize their resource box. A call to action must be followed by a self-serving link
Grammatical errors. This is a huge no-no and is shunned by article submission directories. Check your spelling and grammar at all times in Microsoft word before submitting.
Too short word count/too long word count. Let’s face it, short articles don’t cut it for most directories and long articles are a hassle to read. People’s attention span is short.
In short, success in article writing lies in adhering to good writing practices and avoiding silly mistakes. Don’t forget, content and SEO are king so you have to place a huge focus on those as well, while not overlooking the small stuff.
Chapter 8: The Road To Passive Traffic
Article marketing gives a great way to generate traffic, and that being said, you won’t get traffic instantly by submitting a few articles. The process to traffic building via article marketing is a long one, and you’ll have to consistently produce good articles, which meet standards and also is up to date with relevant information.
How To Get There
That being said, how does one generate passive traffic through articles? There are a few ways. For one, you can hire a ghostwriter to post articles for you. This cuts you out of the equation and can give you more time to focus on the marketing aspects of your business.
You can also pay to have your articles featured in websites or directories. This is a faster way to get a boost in your traffic by having your featured article put in front of the website.
Another way is to master SEO (or if you have the money, hire someone whose good in it) to optimize your web content so that the SEO will bring in long term steady passive traffic for your website.
Finally, you might consider partnering with someone. That someone will do the article-writing portion while you focus on the other aspects such as creating products, marketing etc.