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Scientifically noted as being rather complex, for some it can certainly be so, while for others it becomes easier with practice. This rather delicate coordination between the brain, body and emotions can sometime get so overwhelming that is can cause the individual to panic, therefore certain elements needs to be in place to ensure the possibility of this happening is limited. These would include having the appropriate supporting material available and the practice in its delivery to be well prepared.
The idea from the start to the finish of the speech should be capture and hold the attention of the target audience, and in doing so the content would have made the desired effect, thus making the entire effort a success. Coming out strong and forceful, is one of the ways of jolting the audience into attention, and this is especially important, if the material is very technical and dry. Using the anatomy of the speech to gauge the attention span of the audience will also help the individual to either step up or tone down accordingly.
Ideally the anatomy of the entire speech should be based on the audience being able to immediately identify with the individual presenting the material. This should be evident throughout the presentation and even after, when the audience is engaged and interested enough to ask the relevant questions.
Being able to provide the relevant corresponding answers should also be part of the anatomy of the individual’s speech research. Having all the possible angles covered is one way of being prepared throughout the entire exercise.