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The skin is the largest organ of the body, it’s also the first thing people see and one of the first thing’s people base their impressions on.
Why do you think that celebrities shell out thousands of dollars to fix problem skin issues? Because their looks are their assets, so important is great looking, vibrant flawless skin that they’ll go to extreme lengths to get it.
I’m here to tell you today that you don’t have to part with a fortune to get healthy, great looking skin. You can do it from the comfort and privacy of your own home and best of all, it’s completely natural.
Dehydrated, Aging Skin
Whether we like it or not, aging is a part of life. It’s the name given to a process that involves the degeneration of our cells. When this takes place, the process of cell division slows and our outer layer of skin or the epidermis becomes thin and loses its youthful appearance. Wrinkles appear when the skin thins and loses it tonality.
In addition to natural aging there are other contributing factors that you need to be mindful of in order to slow the aging process. Things such as air conditioning, the sun, diet, stress, smoking, drugs and medication can all play a part in how quickly you age.
With our fast paced lifestyles, change in environmental conditions and intensifying radiation doses from the sun it’s no wonder our skin is looking worse for wear long before our time.
You don’t have to tolerate rapidly aging skin and there is something you can do about it without botox or going under the knife to shave off a few years here and there.
First off, the effects of aging is a microscopic process that occurs at the cellular level. Far smaller than the eye can detect. These tiny degenerative cellular changes that take place over time ends up turning into major changes detected as wrinkled, sagging skin.
See I believe that in order to truly turn back the clock on aging skin you need to attack at the point of change, which again is at the cellular level and to do that we need to nourish the skin from the foundation up.