ATTENTION: Coaches, Virtual Assistants, Consultants and others who frequently book appointments with clients....
"Discover How Easy It Is To Fill Your Calendar And Get Paid For Your Time!"
Dear Coach,
Here's a frustrating scenario: You receive an email from a potential new client requesting a consult. Yay!
You quickly send a reply with your available times and dates, and wait for your new client to get back to you with her availability.
Of course, by the time she does respond, you've already made other plans for the block of time she requests. Ugh!
Round two of emailing potential times and waiting for a response.
It's frustrating for you, and imagine how it makes you look to your new client? Truthfully, you come across as more than a little disorganized. Not only that, but how much time have you just wasted simply trying to schedule a consultation or discovery session?
There must be a better way.
Scheduling Apps Make Life Easier
In fact, you might even call them a miracle of sorts.
At last you have a way for clients to pick a block of time you have available, and "get on your calendar." What could be simpler?
The only problem is:
They're expensive--starting out at more than $10 per month! And if you want to create more than one calendar or appointment type, you can multiply that by five.
They rely on a 3rd party. Do you really want to leave your most important business functions in someone else's hands?
Getting paid is a hassle. Sure, you can ask for payment before sending the link to your calendar, but wouldn't it be easier to take care of payments and booking all at one time?
Don't Leave Your Calendar To Chance
When you live by (and get paid according to) your calendar, you simply can't afford to turn over control to the wrong app. And you certainly can't continue to do the email appointment dance.
You need a booking app that gives you total control, and the freedom to create unlimited appointment blocks, while offering both free and paid time slots. Sound like a pipe dream?