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Chapter 6 - Therapy To Treat Depression
If you visit your family doctor and ask for something to help you over your depression, he or she will most likely give you Zoloft.. They will ask you why you are depressed and you can say that you didn ft like the outcome of the last season of American Idol and they will write you out a prescription.
Doctor fs take a lot of heat for being prescription handy. But they are only doing the job that the legal field has trained them to do. See, if you go into the doctor fs office and complain about being depressed over American Idol and the doctor tells you to get a grip on yourself and dismisses you without a prescription and you go home and hang yourself because of American Idol, the doctor is liable for a lawsuit. Because medical protocol requires a doctor to offer medication to any patient who presents complaining of depression.
If your doctor is a good family doctor, he or she will suggest that you speak to a therapist about your depression. He or she may also want to get you out of their office as soon as possible and suggest that you see a psychiatrist. Your doctor is not telling you this because he or she thinks you are crazy and need to be committed, but simply because he or she does not specialize in mental health issues.
Before we go any further, you need to understand the difference between a psychiatrist, a psychologist, a counselor and a therapist. A psychiatrist is a medical doctor. He goes to medical school and has an M.D. He then decides to specialize in mental illness. A psychiatrist normally works in a hospital. He takes care of patients in mental wards as well as those who have substance abuse problems.
The main reason why a person sees a psychiatrist is to get prescription drugs. Because he is a medical doctor, he can prescribe drugs. The idea of laying on a sofa talking about your mother while the psychiatrist takes notes is something that you see in the movies. A psychiatrist is very clinical. He may test you for diseases of the mind, but will not want to hear how your brother taking your stuffed bunny when you were seven ruined your life. He will refer you to a counselor.
A psychologist is a step above a therapist. He or she usually has a PhD in psychology. He or she did not go to medical school but graduate school. Big difference is that they cannot prescribe medicine. They are very in tune with mental health issues, however, and make great counselors. The problem is that they charge too much money. Most people opt for counselors.