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Chapter Thirteen: Track Your Progress
One of the things that you can do to help motivate yourself is to track your progress. That’s why it was included in part of the plan that you will be following every day. This chapter is going to show you how to track your progress so that you can understand exactly how far you’ve come and use it in your plan of action to overcome addiction.
Your Daily Diary
One of the things that you’re going to want to keep if you’re trying to overcome addiction is a daily diary that allows you to put down exactly how you felt that day and how you overcame. This is also a great way to externalize some of the frustration they are going to be feeling from coming off of whatever addiction you’re trying to stop. Keeping a diary or journal of your progress allows you to read it when you’re feeling your most vulnerable and see what kind of things you did the last time you are feeling this way to overcome it. The Journal also helps you to see how far you have come. If you look back over six months of diary entries, you will think twice about giving into your addictive behavior.
32 Days without an Accident
Have you seen those signs that sometimes hang in industrial warehouses and factories where they list how many days they’ve gone without an accident? This is meant to encourage employees to be safer so that they can get that number as high as possible – that’s the theory anyway. You are going to do the same thing with your own number of days. Post a whiteboard or something else on the wall that you can change easily to show how many days you have gone without giving into your addiction. This will motivate you to keep going and lift you up when you feel as if you are going to give in.
Track Your Progress Periodically Too
When it comes to some addictive behavior, you’re going to want to track your progress periodically as well. For example, if you are trying to lose weight by overcoming an eating addiction then you may want to keep track of your current weight and the weight loss that you have achieved up until this point. There may be other addictions as well that would benefit from tracking progress periodically.