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Giving and getting are yin and yang, the counterpart of the infinity symbol—looping backward and forward, neither side bigger than the other, both built-in to the larger whole.
Many of us need to learn how to get into a place of comfortable receiving, slowly, one baby step at a time. I get a compliment with a simple thank you , regardless that inside you are discounting the words.
This is an acquired skill. You can learn this. You can let the words and more importantly your healing sink in and fill your empty spaces. You can accept a gift with a thank you and let that be adequate, you have to learn to open up to be able to receive.
You can let other people help you with grace and the profound gratitude that somebody or something wishes to be of service. You can be open and can let other people have the fun of giving.
And ultimately, this is how you can give more easily, by learning to refill your needs with receiving.
You also need to learn about giving—that giving to quench your own need will never be adequate.
When you give, not from a complete heart, but from a void space that requires recognition, you will be exhausted. Giving from your own need leads to bitterness, victimhood, and distress.
Here are some reminders to help you learn this new skill.
To begin, you have to accept the basic premise that you are enough— that before you give a thing, before you receive anything, you are enough simply being here. The act of giving or getting doesn’t change this in the least.
You have to become more discerning with giving. You have to learn to examine your needs as well as the needs of other people. To see when your gift is really given from love and when it comes with expectations. To see if the expectations are self-imposed and if they come from other people.
You have to make room in your life for receiving. This includes being aware of all the ways you may receive, whether it's accepting kind words, a stranger’s grin, or connecting with the Angels. Know that as you receive, you are getting to be more comfortable with the art of receiving. Stay conscious of how your receiving empowers those who are giving to you.
Relax into the feeling of receiving—get to be okay with the feeling of openness that's necessary to really receive. Allow this openness to be available to receive.