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Journaling your messages is very important. Most people do not take the time to do this since they feel incredibly "groggy" in the morning. However, if you want to become close with the archangels - we strongly recommend doing this. They might be sending you dreams that could lead up to a current event. At other times, you may see messages throughout the day.
Before your sister had passed away, you remember feeling a strong urge to call her. You placed your hand on the phone and strangely enough, your fingertips began to tingle. It was a strange feeling, as if someone sending you a message.
You were frightened and drew your hand away. After this, you decided to call her later and do something else. This was your biggest regret. Two hours later, your uncle had called. His words seemed uncertain and cold. He didn't seem to be himself at the time, choking to tell you the news.
Your sister had passed away at the same exact time you planned on calling her. The tingling feeling beneath your fingers was an archangel warning you of calling. Some signs in life are crucial in social aspects and in this sad case, you were too late.
This is why it is a good idea to write down strange things that happen. If you are not sure if it is a message or not, just record it. Jot it down
in a special "Spiritual Message" journal and be sure to date and time each message you notice. This will make a great impact and once you go through it the week after, you will be amazed at what you find. Remember that when you record everything, to include as many details as possible. What were you feeling? What did you see? These are just a few questions that need to be answered within your spiritual journal.
I remember a dream I had when I was about 12 years old. The scene was so clear and looking back at the dream, I recall walking into a hospital. There was a brick-red tile floor with two plants beside each side of the elevator.
The dream was in slow motion but even though it was a short dream, little did I know it would mark a major turning point in my life. See, I was diagnosed with scoliosis two years after I had dreamed this. The doctors found out it was so severe that I had to go into surgery. I was fourteen at the time and when I arrived at the hospital, everything in my view seemed to "freeze". It alarmed me that I remembered the dream from two years ago, seeing the plants and that brick-red floor. I knew something was wrong. That day I had gone into surgery, facing a near death experience that I'll never forget. This is exactly why it's extremely important to write down dreams or messages, no matter how vague they seem.
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