"Quickly and Easily Put Together Professional and Nicely Formatted Mini Sites All By Yourself,Any Time You Need To!"
No tech skills and no special software required.
Use any HTML editor you already have.
Dear Fellow Marketer,
If you sell products online, you know that it could be a hassle to get a new site up every time you have a new product.
You not only need some nice graphics for your site, like a cover image for your product, and maybe a header, and an overall template, but you also need nice formatting of the sales page itself (things like text, bullets, testimonial boxes, etc..)
It takes time to format a website nicely yourself. You have to go in there and do all these little things manually. And if you have a long sales page this could take a while, especially if you don't know what you're doing. That's why a lot of people hire designers to do all this formatting stuff for them (which obviously adds up to a lot of money if you have several different products).
That's why this "Amazing Mini Site Template" was created. So that you can quickly and easily put together a professional mini site when ever you need to.
The main thing that makes this template special is...
With this template you not only get a nice overall template design, but also all the inner page stuff like: the text, bullets, testimonial boxes, section headings, guarantee sign, order area, etc.. All of this stuff is already nicely formatted for you in CSS and HTML, so all you have to do pretty much is copy and paste your own details, and you have a professional mini site ready to go.
And if you don't know anything about CSS and have little HTML skills, don't worry, this template is very easy to use. There is no advanced coding and "tech weirdness" involved.
It's a basic "what you see is what you get" template. No advanced technical skills required and no special software required. You just need some basic HTML skills and any HTML editor you already have.
You can use this template as a foundation of your new mini sites, instead of starting from scratch. Or you can take the parts you like and add them to your exisiting template that you already use.
You get pretty much everything you need like all the different headlines, bullets, testimonials boxes, etc.. Plus you can add your own graphics or CSS styles. Let me show you a screenshot of this template...
Highly Customizable Template...