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They'll be some hurdles and obstacles along the way … that you can be sure of … and the 95% who fail do so because they can't get over those hurdles. Actually it's more a case that they're too lazy – and that's a good thing for us.
When the barrier to entry is higher – it means only those ready to take action succeed and the lazy ones get left behind.
The first problem is getting started. It's the first hurdle because we're all scared of failure. As Wayne Gretzky said “You miss 100% of the shots you don't take.” Or as the S.A.S. motto goes “Who dares wins”.
The secret is to “Just do it”.
To learn as you go and never try to 'be perfect'. Some of the best sales pages, the best systems and the best products I?ve ever used weren't 100% perfect.
But they did work, they did get subscribers and they did get sales. When you're procrastinating over what a web page looks like – step back for a moment and remind yourself that it's all about results.
When your system is up and running you will start to see clicks on your links and additions to your list almost immediately. That's a great feeling … but it's not quite time to sit back just yet!
This is where you just need to focus on the marketing.
Get as many people to your site as possible. The traffic generation section will help you a lot … but don't let what can be a boring job that gets results get replaced with following those new sexy systems everyone is currently talking about.
Remember it's all about results. And it's called affiliate MARKETING … so don't forget to do the marketing.
Now it's simply a case of mastery. Reinvest your profits back into you and your business. Repeat your success in the same or another niche and learn new skills to get more traffic, better conversions and lots of clicks - and start to consider outsourcing the jobs you hate (or suck at).