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Chapter 9
Autos That Use Alternative Fuels
There are so many kinds of vehicles in this world nowadays where people can use alternative fuels to save more money on their fuel expenses while driving cars and motorcycles. Such fuels are more reliable compared to the conventional fuels that are available in the international market at the present time. The famous manufacturers of cars and motorcycles in this world nowadays are already creating several types of vehicles that will fit to the properties of the alternative fuels. And most of these companies are available in Japan.
Those individuals who do not know a lot of things about the alternative fuels will be surprised once the innovative autos for such petroleum products are already available in the collections of the car dealers in the different parts of the globe. And actually, some of the examples of autos that can be provided with alternative fuels are already available in most of the countries around the world at the present time. Most of these autos are already equipped with upgraded features that are much easier to use and with improved performance.
The Examples of Autos for Alternative Fuels
There are so many kinds of vehicles in this world at the present time which can be provided with alternative fuels to achieve smoother performance and more powerful acceleration. Such fuels include solar vehicles that are equipped with solar panels. The solar panels serve as its own source of solar energy which can be converted to several amounts of electricity. Solar vehicles are actually considered as more reliable examples of electric cars in this world at the present time. Another example of auto that the drivers and car enthusiasts can use with alternative fuels is an electric vehicle.
Electric vehicles are equipped with rechargeable batteries that can store several amounts of electricity every day. Such batteries are also considered as alternative fuels since it can help the drivers and car enthusiasts to use the power of electricity in maximizing the use of their electric vehicles. The last example of autos which can be used with alternative fuels is a hybrid-vehicle. The stated vehicle is comparable to the carbureted cars and motorcycles that are available in public highways and stress nowadays. However, it has electronic features in its fuel system which makes it more powerful and fuel efficient in long distance travels.