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Chapter 5: What Will the GED Test Cost?
One thing that can contribute to people not getting their GED is the cost of the exam. For some the price may not dig as deep into their pockets while others simply cannot afford it or do not want to spend the money on it.
If you are one of these people do not worry because you are not alone and it is common. There are ways though that you can afford the GED and there are actually ways that you can get it for free.
The following chapter will go over the cost of the GED exam and will provide you with some hints and tips that will help you to find a location that offers affordable testing or ways in which you can even get it for free.
One of the great things about a GED exam is the simple fact that it is much cheaper than what you likely expected. It usually runs around about $120 but there is a small fee that is paid to testing centers. This fee will usually be around $38 so it is not something that should break your bank.
Investing in Your Future
You have to think about the money you spend on your GED exam as an investment into a much brighter future. You have to keep in mind all of the things you will be able to do in the future once you are able to get a good job. Think of all the nice places you could go and all of the nice things you could have. Think of the life that you could create for your family by furthering your education. Now that you have all of these things in mind, does $120 really seem like that much? I am sure it does not.
For those who cannot afford the test there is also the option of finding a location that offers the test for free. Most of these locations will pretest you to make sure that you will be able to pass the exam. If you fail the pretest you will be placed in classes to help you with the subjects you are struggling with, these classes are usually free. Once you are able to pass your pretest, the location offering the exam will then give it to you free of charge.
Colleges are a great place to look when you want to get your GED for free. The only thing that you need to be aware of is them trying to rope you in to signing up for additional courses that will cost you money.
GED exams really are not expensive and can even be free if you look hard enough and the return you will get on your investment in the future will continue to increase over time. You will be glad you did it in the future, trust me!
Chapter 6: Ways to Improve Your Scores
Some people have already taken the GED exam or have already taken pretests in the past and did not have the results that they expected. If you are one of these people do not be embarrassed because you are surely not alone as many people do not pass the GED on their first attempt.
There are ways in which you can improve your scores. A lot of it will just come down to study time and motivation but there are also some important tips you should keep in mind while taking your test that should help to ensure that you scores that you can be proud of.
The following chapter will go over some strategies that will help you to get better scores on your GED test and will provide you with some helpful tips that will help you to score better on your test.
Tips for Higher Scores
As mentioned before, one of the most important things you can do to ensure that you have desirable GED test scores is to practice. The old saying goes, practice makes perfect. There is a reason why people have been using this saying for so long, it is because it is true. Failing to take the time to properly study for your test will almost surely lead to undesired test scores or even possibly failure. It is important that you are aware of how important the GED test is and that you are aware of how it could make your life better. It is for these reasons that you need to make sure that you are properly prepared and to do this you will have to buckle down and study.
Some people have a hard time motivating themselves to do things as studying. If you are one of these people you may want to consider attending some GED classes in your area. These classes can be found all over the place and in most cases they are completely free. In some cases, if you do well on your pretests in your classes you will be given the opportunity to take your GED test for free. Now that seems like a pretty good deal to me.
All of the information you need to study and prepare for the GED can be found at your local library. You can also find study materials for the test online. There are also numerous websites that offer GED pretests, however you should check the reputation of the site, especially when you have to pay for the test.
Another thing that you will need to learn how to do is relax while you are taking the GED exam. A lot of people become very nervous when they take the exam and many who have taken it and pass it will tell you that the key is to remain calm and focused. This may be easier than said, especially when you have everything that is on the line in your head. You should practice relaxing yourself before your actual test date. Practice some deep breathing techniques and learn how to get your mind to relax. It may seem hard to believe but this simple little trick can actually make a huge difference. Stress during a test can have a real impact on your scores and that’s why it even has a name, test anxiety.