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Keyword Research is the heart of all PPC campaigns and anything you are marketing online. It is very important to be targeting the right keywords, ones that convert into to customers/buyers. Keyword research used to be a very time consuming task, but with the advancement of technology that is no longer the case. I will be listing all the top keyword research tools and how to use them to dominate your competition.
Keywords are very important when deciding your PPC campaign; they can make your advertising campaign much more successful. Finding your keywords however can be very difficult, but it doesn’t have to be that way.
Before choosing keywords it is very important to choose your budget. Not all people that are setting up PPC campaigns have the same size budgets. Big companies may be able to afford thousands of dollars per day running their PPC adverts. It is very important to carefully monitor your online adverts to make sure that they are performing correctly.
If you are a sole trader, or small company then you probably handle all of your PPC advertising requirements by yourself because you can’t afford to hire an external agency to run it for you. Almost everyone will run their campaigns themselves at least at first, after which point they may look at automating their PPC adverts.
It can be very time consuming to monitor your keywords; however it is something that you should do. An advertising firm might be beneficial; however they will normally charge 15% fees and have a $1,000 per month minimum adverts. Few people will be able to afford to pay for this.
When choosing keywords you should be careful not to use general keyword phrases. These are often too broad and will not target your adverts closely enough. If you sell patio furniture for example then many people might want to use phrases such as patio furniture and outdoor furniture. However it’s not a good idea to use these general terms as they cost more, and do not yield targeted results. Advertising on PPC adverts costs different prices depending on the keywords you choose, the more competitors for the chosen keyword, the more expensive the advert will cost.