Ebook Sample Content Preview:
Now here comes the fun part or I should say fun part(s). In this section we are going to focus on advertising the web site you set up and in the next section, we will focus on advertising your free course.
The main focus of this section will be on reciprocal linking, IE swapping links with other sites in your market.
Reciprocal linking is an important tool for web promotion. Reciprocal Linking increases the link popularity of the web sites. Sites dealing with same business can join hands to have reciprocal linkages.
Reciprocal linking is an "I'll scratch your back if you'll scratch mine" activity. Effectiveness of reciprocal linking is growing and is sought after as the new medium of advertising on the Internet. You can set up a Links Page with link access from your homepage, and promote your URL address for the specific Reciprocal Links Page in all the major search engines.
What I didn't mention in the other sections is that you will need to create a links page on your site as well. This is where you will list all the sites that link to your site.