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Second Steps:
Use the best Affiliate Programs
Here you have 2 Options:
You can either place affiliate links on your website that you choose yourself
You can show ads on your website that will automatically be adjusted to your website theme by a program.
Or you can do both.
Now go to your CJ Account Manager and choose: Get Links (from the menu)
The page you get will look like this:
Now you simply choose a product from the Advertiser Categories that matches with your website Topic.
Found a product ?
Good, your almost done.
In our example we go for cars and get a huge list of affiliate partners that we can choose from:
On this site you will finally get your Affiliate Link. On the right side you see: Get Links, Get Javascript, Get HTML
Here you click on your favourite method and are ready to use the affiliate link and place it on your website.
Note: Every Company and Program is different in terms of commission they will pay etc.
Some pay you for just leading customers to their website and some will pay you a commission for product beeing sold trough your lead.
Take your time and compare the different products and advertising methods.
You can simply place a link on your site or you can choose from a variety of banners to attract the attention of your surfers.
Try out different methods and you will find out what works best for you.
Generaly banners attract more customers but a website full of banners can look „overloaded“ and might not look atractive.
I think it's better to insert just a few banners and go for text links instead.
Commission Junction is one of the biggest affiliate providers but of course not the only one.
So if you couldn't find a product that you like do a Google search for affiliate providers and have a look at their offers for you.
Don't just take the first one that pops up.
Be carefull to choose a product that best matches with your website theme.
This will make shure you will actually get customers driving traffic to your affiliate partner which will lead into sales.
The second option is:
Use ads that are automatically created by a program to fit your main website topic. Here the 2 best ones:
GoogleAdsense and ClickBank
This is defenetly the most used adverising on the internet and the reason why Google got so big and wealthy.
You can get a piece of the cake like this:
Sign up for a new account.
Follow the Guide from Google. Everything is nicely explaned step by step how to do it. Take your time to get familiar with the Program.
Google AdSense is for free and you will be able to insert their ads to as many websites you have as you want.
A very cool feature is that the Ad Links will automatically be showing ads related to your website theme.
Once a custome clicks the AdSense Link on your website you made money. That's right. Google pays you money just for someone clicking on their link. The surfer does not have to buy anything. He just has to click that link. Now that is easy money!
Your Goal has to be to get as many surfers to your website as possible and to create a cool looking website that makes those visitors click the links on your site.
That's it. As easy as that.
Drive Traffic to your Website. Deliver interesting content and people will stay and click.
Some Webmasters make thousands of dollars each month just by doing this.