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A resource site usually consists of helpful content such as how-to articles or do-it-yourself tips. When you regularly add fresh content, it keeps visitors coming to your site.
Meanwhile, ads promoting your products and mentions of your products that direct visitors to the merchant site, and then they can purchase products. In this model, the affiliate can earn revenue in the form of sales commissions, pay-per-click, or pay-per-action rewards.
Promote your products with a review site.
Once you’ve research and/or tried the products you’ll be promoting, write reviews, and be sure to add banners or links to the merchant sites. This model is less labor-intensive, as you will strictly be writing about the product, and a weekly update or two with a fresh link will keep the search engine rankings positive. Much like the resource site, the affiliate earns commissions and “pay per" rewards.
Blog your way to big business.
Blogging is the easiest way to create an online presence, and it allows for creativity and product-rich writing. If you already have a blog that is relevant to a certain niche, such as photography, travel, childrearing, or fitness, you are already set up to add merchants.
Just find high quality, trending products that are relevant to your niche, and include them in your blogging, along with advertisements and links.
Dominate with Downloads.
The download site is one of the most lucrative ways to make money as an affiliate. In this case, you would partner with software merchants, for example, by offering a free version or trial version for customers to download and try.
Most of the time, if the product is good, these customers will want to purchase the software once the trial is over, or they will want the full version once they get a taste of it from the free version.
Catch more flies with honey that with a sledgehammer.
One of the biggest mistakes that Affiliate Marketers make in the beginning is becoming too focused on the word “marketing."
An affiliate marketer is not a salesperson; he or she is a guide who gives the potential customer to the salesperson. The merchant sells the product; you just direct the traffic.
Avoid flashing “BUY NOW!!!” messages and high pressure “If you miss this you will lose your will to live” tactics. People are barraged everywhere with these transparent methods, and a smart customer will find them cheesy and annoying rather than attractive.
Instead of threatening your readers with the doom that awaits if they don’t “ACT NOW,” give them helpful information teasers and then direct them to the product that will help them even more. Let them make the decision, and they'll be more likely to stick around to buy more.
Use “socially aware” social networking.
Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Google+...the list of social networking avenues continues to grow. And as they do, the door is open wider for the affiliate to promote their product. However, you have to be wise and socially aware in order to use these social networks to the best advantage.
Imagine it: Judy is worried about her teenage daughter’s mood swings. Then she finds a great book, How to Deal with a Problem Teen. She clicks "like” on Facebook.
Next thing she knows, her mother is calling her with parenting tips, her husband asks if there is something going on, and her teenage daughter is so embarrassed she unfriends Mom.
All because Moms newsfeed says “Judy liked How to Deal with a Problem Teen.
As people become aware of just how much they may inadvertently be sharing, advertisers have to get savvier.
The modern social networker shares things that are helpful, that reflect what is important to them, and that is entertaining. Instead of just promoting a book about teen drama, create an article about using Facebook to connect with your teen. That is an article that can be shared without embarrassment, and it can be a springboard to direct the customer to the bookseller's website so that THEY can sell the book.
Work Word Press to your advantage.
WordPress is one of the easiest to use platforms for sites and blogging. And they have countless themes to choose from, many of which are free. In addition, they have all sorts of plug-ins that can make it easier to create and maintain your site.
One of these great plug-ins can help you as an affiliate: the WordPress Affiliate Network Plugin. This plugin is an affiliate management program that is very easy to use.
As an affiliate who is running online ad campaigns for your products and services, you can use the affiliate platform plugin to accurately measure the conversion rate of each campaign to find the most profitable ones. This allows you to eliminate the non-profitable campaigns and save money in the process.
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